City Nature Challenge THIS WEEKEND - April 30, May 1, 2, 3 - LET'S DO IT!
The SIXTH annual iNaturalist-based CITY NATURE CHALLENGE (CNC) is this weekend,. Hundreds of cities and metro areas are now participating, which marks astonishing growth over a short period of time (thanks to Alison Young @kestrel and Rebecca Johnson @rebeccafay our leaders, assisted by many others). San Mateo county is part of the San Francisco Bay Area (2018 overall winners by sweeping all three categories, and winner of the 2019 "Participants" trophy - no mere "participation" trophy!)
While the continuation of COVID means that we cannot hold large organized events, let me STRONGLY ENCOURAGE you to GET OUT AND DOCUMENT LIVING ENTITIES! Let's see if we can get San Mateo county from its current position of 432,251 observations, to 440,000 by the end of the weekend. That's a tough climb, but doable!
To paraphrase something I heard once:
We Shall iNat on the Beaches, We Shall iNat on the Landing Grounds, We Shall iNat in the Fields and in the Streets (safely, now), We Shall iNat in the Hills!
For more on the CNC, see