New Challenge for filling out the data base in 2019
First of all, Happy New Year Lists! May 2019 be another successful year for this most successful project!
Second, I learned of something called the Five-Mile Radius Challenge. It came from a blog called I Used to Hate Birds, and was picked up by some iNatters. Here's an example of it:
The goal is to focus on areas around your house, and look for under-eBirded and under-iNat-ted zones, as well as visiting the parks closest to you. If everyone in the country did this, we'd have a lot better coverage, and therefore a better picture of biodiversity. Of course, here in San Mateo county, as leaders in citizen-science projects, we are already ahead of the curve on the question of coverage. But this Five-Mile Radius Challenge has the added advantage of being "Green" - requiring less consumption of fossil fuel, and being more open to walking, cycling, public transit, and car-pooling.
Just another thing to think about, as we move forward in the New Year!