Intensive BioBlitz at Sam McDonald on Saturday February 15
As part of Sequoia Audubon's Great Backyard Bird Count festivities this weekend, there will be a special new sort of BioBlitz at Sam McDonald. This one will not be as structured as ones we've held in the past, instead allowing users already familiar with iNaturalist to fill in the holes in the coverage of this park, most extensively in its elevated southern sections.
For regular readers of this page - YOU are the people we WANT and NEED for this blitz! It is an all-day, come-when-you-can---leave-when-you-must sort of deal.
Here are the requisite links
February 15 (Saturday, all day; Sunday if weathered out on Saturday) - Sam McDonald upper reaches south of Pescadero Creek Road - we are going to fill in the spaces that we were unable to do last year - you have to respond to participate, as this is a more strenuous and more protracted BioBlitz than most - check out the project map here and join!