335-Download Italian bird migration atlas

A profitable collaboration between ISPRA (former Administrative headquarters of INFS, Italian National Ringing Center) and the Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea (Nature Protection Directorate) allowed to realize the Italian bird migration atlas. The work is the result of the collection of data in the period 1906-2003, with the analysis of more than 165,000 reports of ringed birds, referred to 316 species / taxa.
Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography (KCMD) Data Portal

Volume I - Non passeriformi (indice - pdf 40 kb) Volume II - Passeriformi (indice pdf 40 kb)
Volume I - 1-32 Volume II - 1-40
Volume I - 33-112 Volume II -41-115
Volume I - 113-189 Volume II - 116-189
Volume I - 190-266 Volume II - 190-263
Volume I - 267-343 Volume II - 264-336
Volume I - 344-425 Volume II - 337-407
Volume I - 426-504 Volume II - 408-487
Volume I - 505-585

Volume II - 488-557

Volume I - 586-668 Volume II - 558-625
Volume I - 669-743 Volume II - 626-630
Volume I - 744-794
Volume I - 795-800

As a natural bridge across the Mediterranean, Italy is a key passage and wintering area for migrants travelling between the Palaearctic and Africa. The Italian Migration Atlas, now available online, offers the most complete and updated set of information on migratory routes involving Italy.

The atlas features English versions of the introduction and materials/methods sections, as well as of captions to all graphics, figures and summaries of species accounts. The two volumes show results of analyses of ring recoveries between 1906-2003. Over 165,000 data refer to 213 species/taxa, many of which are of direct interest and concern also from a CMS perspective.

The overall picture provided by the atlas
confirms the crucial role played by Italy as a crossroad
for migrants. Hence the conservation value of the country
and the importance of a detailed knowledge of the movements
of birds originating from huge geographical areas. Also
the flyways and wintering areas of bird populations breeding
in Italy are described in detail.

Being the first migration atlas from a southern European country, the book offers insight into species- but also population-specific flyways across the ecological barrier represented by the Mediterranean. From a perspective of issues like those tackled by the CMS Flyway Working Group, the Italian Migration Atlas offers scientific evidence to be used when planning conservation strategies for the many bird species involved in the Palaearctic-African bird migration system.

The Atlas can be downloaded from the website of the Institute for Environmental Protection and Research.

A summary, introduction and instructions on how to access the contents of the 2 volumes are available in English

The Government of Italy pledged €1 million in support of the development of an atlas on bird migration in the African-Eurasian region over the course of three years. The atlas responds to the needs of the Convention and its family, and is expected to be a stepping stone to the creation of a Global Animal Migration Atlas. To this end, the African-Eurasian Bird Migration Atlas will be based on bird movement data provided by the EURING (coordinating organization for European bird-ringing schemes), and will lay the foundation for the integration of further datasets.

The understanding of species migrations would help identify certain drivers of population declines and mitigate them with conservation actions. Knowing species‘ critical sites and migration routes would also assist in avoiding future conflicts with large-scale land use changes and developments, such as extractions, energy infrastructures and deployment of renewable energy technologies.

The donor agreement was signed today in Rome, Italy, at the premises of the Italian Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea. This generous contribution will be officially celebrated during the Champion Night in the margins of the Twelfth Conference of the Parties to CMS, on 22 October in Manila, the Philippines, where the Government of Italy will be recognized as Champion Plus and will be presented with a certificate.


Welcome to the Atlas of Migration of the European Commission's Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography (KCMD). This Atlas is an interactive resource, which gathers data and indicators on migration and migration related topics.

Data from official sources has been harmonised in a single database, which can be explored through country-specific dashboards. This interactive tool accompanies the printed Atlas of Migration, and provides continuously updated data.

Explore the Atlas via the following pag
Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography (KCMD) Data Portal
335-Download Italian bird migration atlas

  • Community-generated data has had tremendous potential for a long time, specifically for monitoring global biodiversity change,” says study author and former Academy data scientist Giovanni Rapacciuolo, PhD, who is now Director of Applied Science Programs at NatureServe. “By synthesizing the best available knowledge into a framework for how to make community science data usable and readily available for conservationists and land managers, this paper serves as a key to unlock that potential.”

    Whereas traditional biodiversity monitoring methods, such as standardized surveys, are heavily structured—conducted in a particular area for a specific amount of time and focused on certain species—community science data is generally unstructured with anyone capable of uploading an observation of any species anywhere in the world at any time.

    By using their framework, however, the researchers were able to take community-generated data and retroactively apply structure to measure biodiversity change similarly to traditional methods. Instead of comparing biodiversity between two surveys with specific parameters, for example, you filter uploaded community science data for areas where a similar number of observers made a similar number of observations over a similar period of time.
    Thought this recent paper might be of interest to this group: Deriving indicators of biodiversity change from unstructured community-contributed data 5. It’s pretty much about how to overcome the biases and “messiness” of iNat data to find patterns and see change through time. I apologize that it’s not open-access - Wiley’s OA fees are prohibitive, and since this was grant-funded work we couldn’t afford it. Our co-author did a nice tweet-summary 5 of it where you can see some of the figures describing the work. I’m also more than happy to send the pdf to anyone who’s interested in reading the whole thing!

    The overall picture provided by the atlas
    confirms the crucial role played by Italy as a crossroad
    for migrants. Hence the conservation value of the country
    and the importance of a detailed knowledge of the movements
    of birds originating from huge geographical areas. Also
    the flyways and wintering areas of bird populations breeding
    in Italy are described in detail.

    Being the first migration atlas from a southern European country, the book offers insight into species- but also population-specific flyways across the ecological barrier represented by the Mediterranean. From a perspective of issues like those tackled by the CMS Flyway Working Group, the Italian Migration Atlas offers scientific evidence to be used when planning conservation strategies for the many bird species involved in the Palaearctic-African bird migration system.[/quote]



    Andere atlassen

    1. https://www.birdatlas.bc.ca/downloadable-pdfs/
    2. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/262098036_THE_ATLAS_OF_BIRDS_DIVERSITY_BEHAVIOR_AND_CONSERVATION_by_Mike_Unwin
    3. https://birdcount.in/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/BirdAtlases-India-Kerala.pdf
    4. https://www.birdatlas.bc.ca/download/BC_Atlas_Chapters_en.pdf
    5. https://www.birdatlas.bc.ca/download/bcatlas_english_2.pdf
    6. https://www.birdatlas.bc.ca/download/bcatlas_english_4.pdf
    7. https://www.academia.edu/41285983/First_National_Atlas_of_the_Birds_of_Armenia
    8. https://www.rspb.org.uk/globalassets/downloads/get-involved/campaigning/climate-change/birds-on-the-move.pdf
    9. https://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/remediation_hudson_pdf/hrlpbirdmapts.pdf
    10. https://www.srs.fs.usda.gov/pubs/gtr/gtr_iitf_053.pdf
    11. https://www.pdfdrive.com/the-atlas-of-breeding-birds-in-britain-and-ireland-e188835179.html

    12. https://wgfd.wyo.gov/WGFD/media/content/PDF/Wildlife/Nongame/WILDLIFE_ANIMALATLAS.pdf
    13. https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2018/eccc/CW69-20-2-2018-eng.pdf
    14. https://www.vogelwarte.ch/en/atlas/home-page/
    15. https://www.vogelwarte.ch/assets/files/atlas/info_amtsstellen/Swiss%20Atlas%202013-2016_E_low.pdf
    16. https://www.ebcc.info/the-atlas-of-wintering-and-migratory-birds-of-portugal-a-new-tool-for-ornithologists/
    17. The Atlas is published in Portuguese and is available only online at http://bit.ly/atlas_aves
    18. https://www.ebcc.info/useful-reading/
    19. https://www.ebcc.info/monitoring/
    20. https://britishbirds.co.uk/sites/default/files/BB_Dec21-BoCC5-IUCN2.pdf
    21. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228665008_The_Catalan_Breeding_Bird_Atlas_CBBA_methodological_aspects_and_ecological_implications
    22. https://www.birdinginspain.com/free-birding-downloads.html
    23. https://archive.org/details/climaticatlasofe0000hunt

      A climatic atlas of european breeding birds : Huntley, Brian, 1952- : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive https://archive.org/details/climaticatlasofe0000hun

    24. The Whispers of Mary Anning and Other Women Geologist
      Geoscience Methodology Course for Teachers

    25. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/geb.13551
      Spatial risk mapping reveals impacts on migratory birds

      Migratory birds are declining globally because of how humans have modified the landscape over recent decades – according to new research from the University of East Anglia, the University of Porto and the University of Lisbon (both Portugal) and the Czech Society for Ornithology (Czech Republic). A new study, also based on PECBMS data, reveals that population declines have been most significant among species that migrate to areas with more human infrastructure – roads, buildings, power lines, wind turbines – and higher population densities and hunting levels. Habitat degradation and climate change have also played a part in driving long-term declines. Advances in satellite imagery allowed the team to map each of the 16 threats across Europe, Africa and Western Asia and create the first-ever large-scale map of hunting pressure across the region. The authors hope that pinpointing where birds are most exposed to the threats could help target conservation actions.

      Buchan, C., Franco, A. M. A., Catry, I., Gamero, A., Klvaňová, A., & Gilroy, J. J. 2022: Spatially explicit risk mapping reveals direct anthropogenic impacts on migratory birds. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 00, 1–19. https://doi.org/10.1111/geb.13551.

    26. New Wildlife Comeback Report will be launched on 27 September 2022

      A new report by Rewilding Europe with contributions from the Zoological Society of London, EBCC and BirdLife International will be launched in London on 27 September. The first report was published in 2013 and described changes in abundance and distribution of selected animal species. The second report documents the comeback of selected species of birds and mammals again. EBCC contributed with maps of breeding distribution and distribution change of 25 bird species based on EBBA2. The maps were adapted to the approach used in the report and will be part of the publication.

    27. In February, together with the scientists from the University of East Anglia in collaboration with the https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1470160X21011869?via%3Dihub PECBMS network, we published new research on species’ habitat association in Ecological Indicators. We explored the ‘relative habitat use’ (RHU) metric as a means of quantifying species’ habitat association and degree of specialization. We recommend the RHU metric as a useful tool in conservation management strategies to protect habitat specialists and their habitats and thus support national and international progress towards reaching biodiversity targets. https://pecbms.info/relative-habitat-use-metric-accurately-quantifies-species-habitat-association-and-degree-of-specialization/
    28. PECBMS website www.pecbms.info has been actualised regularly. In the given period, we published 11 news, updated the list of publications, PECBMS methods, and the information on the bird monitoring schemes in Europe and national indicators. We updated the page presenting the national coordinators of European bird monitoring schemes in the PECBMS and filled it with new portraits from Cyprus and Sweden.

      To address the wider public, we maintained the Facebook and Twitter profiles and updated the posts regularly every week – 18 news from 16 December 2022 until 8 September 2022.
      In 13–14 June 2022, Alena Klvaňová was invited to a conference Protection of meadow birds – a hopeless case?, organised by Brandenburg Akademy „Schloss Criewen“, a German-Polish center for environmental education and meeting center. She was asked to give a talk on Common meadow bird species trends across Europe and a practical example of their protection – bird parks in Czechia.
      PECBMS contributed to spring, summer, and a special issue of the EBCC Newsletter spread to 647 recipients. See an archive of the newsle

    29. The new EBBA2 website is launched!
      EBCC has launched a completely new EBBA2 website. Everybody can access it at ebba2.info to:

      see interactive distribution maps of all European breeding birds,
      find out more about the project and its outputs,

      make data requests.
      The web version of EBBA2 complements the book, where detailed species accounts and summary chapters can be found.

    30. Bird Atlas of Hungary published
      In 2014, BirdLife Hungary (MME) started the program to ensure data gathering for the EBBA2. The aim also was to collect data for preparing the first Hungarian Bird Atlas. As a result, the Bird Atlas of https://www.mme.hu/birdatlas Hungary, which summarises all available knowledge about the distribution, population dynamics and conservation status of 420 bird species that occurred naturally in Hungary until 2019, was published at the end of September 2021. More than a thousand observers conducted the fieldwork during 2014–2018. In total, 15,808 surveys with complete lists were gained, covering 6,756 squares. More than 60 authors wrote the species chapters with 1,700 maps and graphs, giving the complete picture of the state of Hungary’s wild birds in a book spanning 800 pages, including an English summary. The full atlas is https://www.mme.hu/birdatlas accessible online.
      After nearly ten years of preparation the Bird Atlas of Hungary was published at the end of September 2021. The book summarizes all available knowledge about the population, distribution, population dynamics and conservation status of 420 bird species that occurred naturally in Hungary until the end of 2019.
      30 million data records collected by hundreds of birdwatchers were processed by modern computer modelling, generating 1,700 maps and graphs. 64 authors wrote descriptions, giving the most complete picture of the situ

    31. The fifth UK Birds of Conservation Concern
      The UK’s fifth Birds of Conservation Concern assessment was published by a consortium of UK conservation organisations on 1 December in the journal British Birds and can be read, open access, https://britishbirds.co.uk/content/status-our-bird-populations here, as well as a summary document here. The review uses a wide range of monitoring data, mostly from volunteer-based schemes such as the BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey and the Rare Breeding Birds Panel, to assess all of the UK’s

      https://britishbirds.co.uk/sites/default/files/BB_Dec21-BoCC5-IUCN2.pdf regularly-occurring bird species and place each on either the Red, Amber or Green list (in order of descending conservation concern). The length of the Red List has increased to 70 species, 29% of those assessed, with new additions including Common Swift Apus apus, House Martin Delichon urbicum, Greenfinch Chloris chloris, Leach’s Storm-petrel Hydrobates leucorhous and Bewick’s Swan Cygnus columbianus. There is some good news, though, with the https://www.rspb.org.uk/globalassets/downloads/bocc5/bocc5-report.pdf success of reintroduction projects meaning that White-tailed Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla has moved off the Red list to Amber. https://britishbirds.co.uk/content/status-our-bird-populations

    32. Not silent yet: the shifting sounds of spring
      https://pecbms.info/not-silent-yet-the-shifting-sounds-of-spring/ https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-26488-1
      Natural sounds and bird songs play a key role in building and maintaining our connection with nature. But a new study published on 2 November in Nature Communications reveals that the sounds of spring are changing, with dawn choruses across North America and Europe becoming quieter and less varied. An international team of researchers (many of them representing the PECBMS network) led by the University of East Anglia developed a new technique, combining world-leading citizen science bird monitoring data with recordings of individual species in the wild, to reconstruct the soundscapes of more than 200,000 sites over the last 25 years. Annual bird count data from North American Breeding Bird Survey and PECBMS sites were combined with recordings for over 1000 species from Xeno Canto, an online database of bird calls and songs, to reconstruct historical soundscapes. As a result, the study found a widespread decline in the acoustic diversity and intensity of natural soundscapes, driven by changes in the composition of bird communities. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-26488-1

    33. We have lost around 600 million birds in the EU since 1980
      A recent study published in Ecology and Evolution shows that one out of every six birds has been lost over nearly 40 years. The study was compiled using data from the European Bird Census Council’s PECBMS and mandatory reporting by the EU Members States to the European Commission under the EU Birds Directive. Scientists comprising a team from RSPB, BirdLife International and the Czech Society for Ornithology analysed data for 378 out of 445 bird species native to countries in the EU. A significant proportion of these losses result from massive decreases in the more common and abundant bird species. Among these, the largest drop in population is the house sparrow with 247 million fewer individuals. Very large declines in a small number of common species account for a large proportion of these losses, and the same is true of the increases. When comparing populations by habitat, the highest total losses were seen amongst farmland and grassland birds, which are believed to be caused due to changes in farming practices driven by the policy. https://pecbms.info/new-report-reveals-huge-declines-in-europes-birds/
      Paper citation: Burns F, Eaton MA, Burfield IJ, Klvaňová A, Šilarová E, Staneva A, Gregory RD. 2021. Abundance decline in the avifauna of the European Union reveals global similarities in biodiversity change. Ecology and Evolution https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.8282

  • Publicado el 21 de septiembre de 2022 por ahospers ahospers


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