Archivos de diario de noviembre 2018

17 de noviembre de 2018

What is the distribution of Rana dybowskii and Rana uenoi? North Korea has the answer.

What is the distribution of Rana dybowskii and Rana uenoi? North Korea has the answer.

The distribution of Rana dybowskii, Rana uenoi and Rana huanrensis recorded in the inaturalist, Rana huanrenensis seems to be distributed from China to Korea including North Korea. It is expected that Rana uenoi will spread from Tsushima, Jeju Island, Japan, South Korea to the central and southern regions of North Korea. Rana dybowskii is probably not expected to extend to the northern part of North Korea, and it is worth investigating how Baekdu Mountain forms the boundary.

In the above two articles, we are talking about the distribution of Rana dybowskii and Rana uenoi.
What effect did Paekdusan have on the distribution of Rana dybowskii?

Publicado el 17 de noviembre de 2018 por pintail pintail | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

18 de noviembre de 2018

In 2018, about a quarter of the population is likely to be compared to 2008.

It is impossible to compare amphibian populations.
However, we tried to compare the population in 2008 and 2010.
We investigated the number of the same place Rana uenoi in the same place.

I feel right.
Certainly ... The population of Rana uenoi seems to be declining ...

I have done similar research in the same time period in 2016 in San Sali ....

There is not much difference from the result now.

In 2018, about a quarter of the population is likely to be compared to 2008.
In Seosan, Chungnam Province.

Publicado el 18 de noviembre de 2018 por pintail pintail | 1 observación | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

19 de noviembre de 2018

Research on the Rana of the Korean Peninsula is very much needed.

There are three species in our country.
Rana coreana is small and easily distinguishable. However, Rana uenoi and Rana huanrenensis were recorded as similar species.

Rana uenoi lives in Jeema Island from Jeju Island to the Korean peninsula.
Rana huanrenensis inhabits the peninsula in Chinese huanren and is smaller than Rana uenoi.

These two species have been recorded in numerous scientific names since the 1930s, sometimes as a species.

Rana uenoi is still recorded as Rana dybowskii. Rana uenoi and Rana dybowskii are likely to live in North Korea. Rana dybowskii is most likely to live in northern North Korea. Rana huenrensis and smaller Rana chensinensis in North Korea

Research on the Rana of the Korean Peninsula is very much needed.

Publicado el 19 de noviembre de 2018 por pintail pintail | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
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