Archivos de diario de marzo 2020

17 de marzo de 2020

Nature Walk 3/17/20 - Fungi

I'm back in California for this walk! I was a little concerned about being able to find fungi, but I dragged my mom on a nature walk with me and I was actually able to find a lot of fungi! It is about 50 degrees Fahrenheit with a little bit of sun, but it is mostly cloudy. Most of the fungi I was able to find were pretty deep in the trees, mostly in areas where the sun didn't shine directly on it. I was amazed as to how many different types of mushrooms I could find. I tried to get a lot of angles of the different mushrooms, because I figured they would be easier to identify if you were able to see both the tops and the stems of the mushrooms. I also included a lot of other pictures in this post outside of fungi genre because I was able to get so many pictures on this walk, but I believe I ended up finding around 10 different types of fungi! I think my favorite type was the one growing up the side of the tree that had actually seemed to be the reason for the death of the tree. It almost looked as if it had eaten through the tree. Honestly, it was a beautiful day and a great excuse for a long walk. I was amazed at just how much I could find when I was really looking for it.

Publicado el 17 de marzo de 2020 por patriciasw23 patriciasw23 | 29 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario


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