Post-season Wrap-up 2022 01 - 02 October 2022
The Post-season Wrap-up is back and looking forward to seeing both amateur and professional lepidopterists in person again starting at 09:00 on Saturday, 01 October 2022.
This is an informal get together for lepidopterists both amateur and expert to socialize and discuss specimens and photos of undetermined species from the previous season. The Cornell University Insect Collection, in Ithaca NY will be open and a few microscopes will be available.
Parking should be free in the nearby Hoy Rd Parking Garage. For those interested we can order some pizza for lunch and go out for dinner afterwards.
For the hardcore moth nerds, the collection will be opened on Sunday as well.
For masking requirements, we will follow Cornell's guidance at the time:
Feel free to invite others and if you have been at previous ones, please comment below with your thoughts. Also if you plan on coming, drop a message below.
Tagging in top Lepidoptera observers of NY and nearby areas...
@adamkohl @alainhogue @allenwoodliffe @amacnaughton @astrobirder @awaysick @a_anctil @barbaragiguere @bbull @becksinsects @becksnyc @birderboy2015 @birds_bugs_botany @bryanpfeiffer @btk @canouquebec @caterpillarscount @cbuelow45 @cecildomyiidae @chipperatl @colindjones @crx2aj3 @cypselurus @dallonw @dan_macneal @davidhsmall @david_legros @dbeadle @dbmcc09 @djringer @donaldasutherland @dreadhorn @driley @drkilmer @dull2shinetoo @edgarallenhoopoe @edporopat @ehjalmarson @emilio_c @ericgiles @erikamitchell @garyyankech @hanly @healthyyards @hholbrook @hughmcguinness @iandavies @imasongster @indiafutterman @izafarr @jakemccumber @jameskamstra @janet_mihuc @jeanfranois2 @jemredwood @jeremycoleman @jewelwing66 @jimbrighton @joannerusso @joebartok @joefrechette @joekunk @johngarrett @johnklymko @joshualincoln @josh_vandermeulen @jo_gagnon @judywelna @juliereid @jwm57 @ken_j_allison @kgoodman @kidneymoth @kpmcfarland @kristasessions @kylealdinger @lakeal @lepalot @lindom @luna2020 @lynnharper @maractwin @marc_belisle_usherbrooke @marknenadov @markread @matthew_wills @mayacrow @michael_butler @md-in-ns15 @meenaharibal @mhalsted @mhking @mikeakresh @mikeburrell @mossman13 @muscadine @mwest @neoarctia @nikolett6ttn @nrpeters @nutmegtrish @oridgen10 @origamilevi @pauljudson @pete_woods @privatenoaccess @quddy @rayray @reinerjakubowski @robertdifruscia @robpendergast @rossddickson @seabrookeleckie @sgalick @siwnaturalist @skrentnyjeff @slamonde @snowmie700 @spyingnaturalist @stazandgazer @stevendaniel @steve432king @stigmergy @suegregoire @susanelliott @susanhewitt @susan_kielb @tcooley @teamontagna @thomasirvine @tmurray74 @tniernberger @tomnix @treichard @uofgtwitcher @vernal3 @wildreturn @zeledonia