Archivos de diario de mayo 2016

03 de mayo de 2016

Port Aransas With Eastfield Science Club

April was an incredibly busy month! Both at work, and in my "leisure" time. Now, a couple of days in to May, I finally find myself in a position to catch my breath, and catch up on my journaling.

I spent Earth Day weekend in Mustang Island with a great group of science students from Eastfield College. We were there to at least make a dent in the accumulation of manmade debris that washes ashore on our Texas beaches. We worked hard, and left a couple miles of beach looking - at least temporarily - like it looked when Cabeza de Vaca found himself marooned. Because I was WORKING, not goofing off, I didn't get photographic proof of all the life I saw, heard, smelled and tasted. But I did snap pics of a tiny sample.

Publicado el 03 de mayo de 2016 por bogslogger bogslogger | 6 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge

For those of you who don't know, I have been an avid rock climber since before the invention of the spring-loaded camming device! With April coming to a close, and things settling down at work, I took some time to get back out on the rock with a couple of new friends and coworkers. The Wichitas are one of my favorite places on this planet. The scenery, the wildlife and the climbing are all world class! Generally, when you're climbing, your hands are full (either of the rock you're climbing, or the safety rope of the partner you're belaying) so taking photos is difficult. I have vivid memories of the Canyon Wrens I heard laughing at me, and the squirrels scampering nonchalantly across cliff faces I could never HOPE to climb! but no proof. Between climbs, however, I was able to capture a few images of some of the creatures that make the refuge a special place.

Publicado el 03 de mayo de 2016 por bogslogger bogslogger | 5 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario


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