Archivos de diario de febrero 2016

03 de febrero de 2016


Since starting my iNaturalist account a couple months ago, I have joined several Projects, and even started one of my own (Duck Creek Greenbelt). Unfortunately, over that same period of time I have also had to devote quite a bit of my free time to OTHER (less enjoyable) projects . I just completed the plumbing repairs to a leaking water line under my slab, now I have some concrete and tile work to do. I can finally see light at the end of the tunnel - LITERALLY! and should soon be able to spend time outdoors, making observations.

Publicado el 03 de febrero de 2016 por bogslogger bogslogger | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

26 de febrero de 2016

Bog Slogging Season Begins!

In honor of Fish Week on iNat, I decided to take what I refer to as a Bog-Slog (which is sort of a shallow water hike) through a marsh wetland at the upper end of Lake Ray Hubbard. I didn't expect to see much, as the water is still pretty cold, and the wind was pretty stiff (which can degrade water clarity). I was pleasantly surprised at how much activity there was. I found lots of fat female gar already in the shallows,but the water still needs to warm up some before spawning will begin. A few turtles cruising around. Near the end of the slog, I came across a big fish in the shallows. I almost dismissed it as another spotted gar, but the I noticed it had a snub-nose, and long dorsal fin. I was a BOWFIN! Gars and Bowfins are some of my favorite fish (not for eating of course) and seeing them is always a treat.

On my way out of the marsh, I flushed a bittern, but couldn't get my camera out in time for a photo. Shucks!

Publicado el 26 de febrero de 2016 por bogslogger bogslogger | 11 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario


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