Taxonomic Swap 137551 (Guardado el 09/01/2024)

POWO (Referencia)
Añadido por dysm el 09 de enero de 2024 | Comprometido por dysm el 09 de enero de 2024
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@peakaytea Look good?

Publicado por dysm hace 5 meses

I haven't been involved in these before, but everything is spelled right. I reached out to the other botanist who has used the taxon before

Publicado por peakaytea hace 5 meses

My only concern is that I had to make the genus, too, since that taxa wasn't on the site. So, it was a few extra steps than my regular swaps so I want to make sure it looks good.

Publicado por dysm hace 5 meses

Yeah, I'm not sure I can reliably check that for you. It's just not something I've been involved with. Not a curator.

Publicado por peakaytea hace 5 meses
Publicado por dysm hace 5 meses

Looks correct to me.

Publicado por ichthysace hace 5 meses


Publicado por peakaytea hace 5 meses

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