Taxonomic Swap 122523 (Guardado el 14/02/2023)

Rajaei, H., Hausmann, A., Scoble, M., Wanke, D., Plotkin, D., Brehm, G., Murillo-Ramos, L. & Sihvonen, P. (2022): An online taxonomic facility of Geometridae (Lepidoptera), with an overview of global species richness and systematics. Integrative Systematics, 5 (2): 145-192.
and corresponding checklist (accessed February 14, 2023)

Añadido por amzamz el 14 de febrero de 2023 | Comprometido por amzamz el 14 de febrero de 2023
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I hope this is correct and someone has checked the type material and established that these two taxa are the same. Now there are certainly two species combined under one name.

Publicado por kallies hace más de 1 año

please talk to one of the authors of the 2022 paper I refer to (see above), and discuss with them. Thank you

Publicado por amzamz hace más de 1 año

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