Taxonomic Merge 125090 (Guardado el 29/03/2023)

Group GC, Roalson EH, Jiménez-Mejías P, et al (2021) A framework infrageneric classification of Carex (Cyperaceae) and its organizing principles. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 59:726–762.

BEFORE YOU COMMENT: This is an update of Carex infrageneric taxonomy, the reduced concepts of these sections requires that they be merged into subg. Carex to preserve ID accuracy post-update. We are not doing away with Carex infrageneric taxonomy. These are the taxa that are currently empty. We are currently about 90% done with the changes, after they are done the new sections and complexes will be moved back into subg. Carex.

Añadido por rynxs el 29 de marzo de 2023 | Comprometido por rynxs el 29 de marzo de 2023
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BEFORE YOU COMMENT: This is an update of Carex infrageneric taxonomy, the reduced concepts of these sections requires that they be merged into subg. Carex to preserve ID accuracy post-update. We are not doing away with Carex infrageneric taxonomy. These are the taxa that are currently empty. We are currently about 90% done with the changes, after they are done the new sections and complexes will be moved back into subg. Carex.

Publicado por rynxs hace alrededor de 1 año

Despite the large numbers displayed above, this merge should "only" affect about 1,000 observations.

Publicado por rynxs hace alrededor de 1 año

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