Archivos de diario de agosto 2022

11 de agosto de 2022

Quercus garryana varieties

The identification of the sub taxonomic identity of Quercus garryana is not without some risk of a misapplication. An assured identification requires observation of a number of morphological details. Additionally, the key features are variable over the course of a season, thus, spring and fall features present different appearances. Two diagnostic keys are aviable, the Jepson and the Flora of North America keys. These are similar but contain subtle descriptive narratives. Both keys split the taxa based on habit type of a single trunk or as shrubs or small trees.

The Jepson Quercus garryana eflora key to the varieties identifies var. garryana as a tree with large fusiform pubescent buds and with var. breweri and semota as scrub or shrubs with small red or brown buds. These are then separated by the abaxial leaves' stellate hair. The The Flora of North America key allows for separation based on the twig and bud pubescence. Thus, the keys should be interpreted as a choice between two combinations of features; tree and bud structure and pubesence, or scrub-shrub and twig and bud structure and pubesence. However, the plant structure is ambiguous as Q. g. var. garryana presents as tree, scrub, and shrub. The stature of Q. garryana is a function of climate and fire history, as the taxon is found as single stem stately trees and in the form of scrub-shrub thickets. High elevation oak in the Oregon Cascades is mostly that of a shrub structure. Fire also has a impact of the structure of the habit. The high elevation Q. garryana observations appear to be low and tall shrubs. This most likely is the result of fire and growing season. The ambiguity of habit can lead to a misapplication, therefore, the key should be reconsidered to consider the features of the twig and bud with habit as a secondary ambiguous characteristic.

The following observations demonstrate the bud characteristics of the Q. garryana taxa. Twig characteristics are not considered at this time as addational editing of the observations in needed. Changes in twig color over the growing season is not understood. More illustrative observations are required upon which to make a reasonable judgement. Also, needed is observations of the twig pubesence. Q. g. var. garryana twigs are densely pubesent where vars. breweri and semota are mostly glabrous.

Garry Oak Q. g. var. garryana

Brewer's Oak Q. g. var. breweri

Semota Oak

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Publicado el 11 de agosto de 2022 por carexobnupta carexobnupta | 5 comentarios | Deja un comentario
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