Archivos de diario de septiembre 2021

08 de septiembre de 2021

Project is Continuing to Exceed Expectations

Fantastic work, everyone! "The world is so full of a number of things..." How true that is when it comes to parasites and hosts. Who knew there were so many. Wow! With over 16,000 observations now we have a significant of amount of data to wonder at. Yet data is most useful when it is organized so that information can be located quickly again.
As we can on observations featuring hosts we will be filling in the observation field "Being parasitized by" with Mites, Microgastrinae, Campopleginae, and so forth. A note of thanks to all those who have already been faithfully annotating life stages and filling in observation fields. Your work matters!

Publicado el 08 de septiembre de 2021 por botanicaltreasures botanicaltreasures | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario
Vida Silvestre es una entidad asociada a la Organización Mundial de Conservación