Archivos de diario de julio 2023

03 de julio de 2023

Android App giving problems.

The Android App seems to fill in all the observation fields on the project.

Please delete the superfluous ones when you have time on the web version. Hopefully the problem with the droid will be fixed sooner rather than later.
The iPhone behaves well.
However, this project is best suited for use with the web, when you can easily copy-paste the urls of the observation into the relevant interaction fields.

Most observations only have a single interaction in a single field, but our record so far is over 200 interactions for a single plant.

Publicado el 03 de julio de 2023 por tonyrebelo tonyrebelo | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
Vida Silvestre es una entidad asociada a la Organización Mundial de Conservación