444. Arise, Reading the Forested Landscape with Tom Wessels

he ARISE Digital Species Identification team have defined an API - a standardised way for algorithms to describe what they have localised & identified in media items. It is flexible enough to cover images, sounds, video, and more. Read more about it in this blog post they mad

https://www.arise-biodiversity.nl/post/an-api-for-ai-species-recognition Different strokes
The goal of our API definition is to cover a large number of use cases for different media (images, groups of images, video, sound, radar, etc.) and different tasks (classification, detection, segmentation, tracking, etc.). Another goal is to provide high-level compatibility with existing standards such as Camtrap DP, COCO, Audiovisual Core, etc, while allowing room for future more complex use-cases. The format also supports concepts such as Linked Open Data, Machine Learning Provenance, and API versioning.

The basic idea of the format is that regions (geometric areas) are described in the input media. These regions are grouped into region groups. One or more predictions are given per region group.

The input to the API can be a single media item, a sequence (ordered) or a set (unordered) of media items. Region groups can be formed between regions in a media item and between media items. The format supports multi-task predictions, for example per region group you can have a multi-class output, a multi-label output, and predict a scalar.

Use cases

The simplest use-case is where the API predicts one class on a single media item. In this case there is one region corresponding to the full image, one region group consisting of the single region, and the region group has a single multi-class prediction.

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  • Tom Wessels, ecologist and author of Reading the Forested Landscape and Forest Forensics, teaches us to read landscapes the way we might solve a mystery. Why do beech and birch trees have smooth bark when the bark of other northern species is rough? How do you tell the age of a beaver pond or determine if beavers still reside there? Why are pines dominant in one patch of forest, while maples are dominant in another?

    Using photos from Cary Institute’s 2,000-acre research campus, and images submitted by participants, Wessels discusses forest dynamics and history, coevolved interactions among forest species, and unique tree adaptations.

    On a walk in the woods have you encountered interesting growth patterns, evidence of disturbance (either natural or human-made), or unique geological features?
    Wessels is a terrestrial ecologist and professor emeritus at Antioch University. In addition to Reading the Forested Landscape and Forest Forensics, he is the author of The Granite Landscape, The Myth of Progress, and New England’s Roadside Ecology.

    Reading the Forested Landscape with Tom Wessels

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  • Publicado el 24 de abril de 2023 por ahospers ahospers


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