Interesting Links to Tools

Shamelessly taken from Eric Maxwell's (@hydrophilus) profile:

Heat map of my observations:

Some of Maxwell's favorite iNat queries and tools:

General wiki on using iNat URL tools:

View your least-observed taxa - This is essentially a tool to show you the rarest taxa that you've observed. It generates a list of your observed taxa sorted by the least number of observations on iNat:

Unobserved in my state (NM), with open geoprivacy and open taxon geoprivacy, and with position accuracy <50m. This is a great way to find species you haven't seen yet:

Streak finder - see your top ten longest observation streaks on iNat:

View your Maverick IDs:

Publicado el 21 de marzo de 2023 por christopherrustay christopherrustay


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