Phenological observations


It's been a weird and mostly mild winter, and some things are starting to get in spring mode ahead of time. This is a great time to make observations of plants blooming, active insects and other things you would normally start seeing in the month of March and such. Even if it is species you have already observed or the "good old boring" species like dandelions this is a great way to document phenological variation due to our changing climate/planet.

"PHENOLOGY IS THE OBSERVATION AND MEASUREMENT OF EVENTS IN TIME". "Phenology is a science for all seasons, locations, and species. From the leafing, flowering, and fruiting times of plants to the molting, mating, and migration times of the animals they support, the phenological progression of an individual, a population, or an entire species may occur rapidly or slowly, and synchronously or asynchronously with other organisms."*

*Definition according to:

Anacostia Watershed Society

Publicado el 12 de febrero de 2023 por jorbogmont jorbogmont


Thanks for the nudge! It is always interesting to note the timing of spring emergence. I think there's a dandelion out there right now!

Publicado por kristin-marie hace más de 1 año

Adult Western Honeybee observed on woodland crocus this week.

Publicado por jmgconsult hace más de 1 año

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