Nudibranchs are part of the food chain that feeds the birds after all.
Join us by zoom on January 6th as we celebrate the New Year with Lakeside Chat #26 by nudibranch specialist and journalist Robin Agarwal.
Robin's talk is entitled “What Led to a "Nudibranch Boomtown” in Lake Merritt?” Robin will introduce us to the sea slugs of Lake Merritt and explore reasons for their puzzling recent success. Free!
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 861 1375 0922
Passcode: 984239
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,86113750922#,,,,*984239# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,86113750922#,,,,*984239# US (Tacoma)
See you there! If you don't make it, but register, you will be sent the recording.
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