326-BTO Conference 2021: Session 1 - Symphonious Spring – Rewilding and Birds at Knepp Wildland

  1. https://www.bto.org/community/events/bto-conference-2021
    We open our week of conference talks with Penny Green, ecologist and Tony Davis, lead ringer, sharing the journey of Knepp's rewilding project and the extraordinary results so far.

  2. BTO Conference 2021: Session 2 - Songbird Studies

    Session 2 focuses on projects studying a trio of songbirds; Wheatears, Willow Warblers and Willow Tits.
    BTO Conference 2021: Session 2 - Songbird Studies

  3. BTO Conference 2021: Session 3 - Wondrous Waders

    Session 3 of the BTO Conference includes talks on Curlew by Sam Franks, Owen Williams talking about Woodcock Ringing and Richard du Feu talking about the Altcar Knot project.

    BTO Conference 2021: Session 3 - Wondrous Waders

  4. Floortje naar het einde van de wereld'
    Ben en Sharyn strijden voor natuur Cambodja

    "Floortje bezocht in 2019 de Amerikaanse Ben en zijn Australische vrouw Sharyn in de jungle van Cambodja. Samen met hun twee dochters (Amelie en Jarrah) wonen ze op één van de laatste plekken van de jungle, dat nog niet volledig is leeggekapt en gestroopt. Vooral de palissander bomen zijn bij de stropers gewild, omdat ze tot honderdduizenden euro's kan opleveren."

  5. Science plays a fundamental role in helping us to cope with the complexity of today’s natural and social systems. A silver lining of the pandemic has been the demonstrated capacity of individuals, society at large, and the science community to adapt rapidly. Current and future crises and abrupt transitions will continue to require scientific institutions to transform research cultures, trust-building strategies, and science advice mechanisms. Are we ready to transform science for the future? At the 2022 ALLEA General Assembly, scientists and policymakers gathered at the Academy Palace in Brussels to discuss the latest ideas and research to answer that question.

    00:00:06 - ALLEA President Prof Antonio Loprieno introduces keynote speaker
    00:02:01 - Building the Ship while Sailing: The Challenges of Scientific Advice during an Emerging Crisis by Prof Marion Koopmans, Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases at Erasmus MC
    00:38:23 - Closing remarks by ALLEA President

    TransformingScience #ALLEAGeneralAssembly #EuropeanAcademies

  6. I already have imported the spatial frame (TK 25 quadrants) I need and I have created a table for testing purpose. Now my idea was to select frames by occurance of species and export those as a separate shapefile. As there can be multiple species per quadrant and one species can occur in multiple places it has to be a 1:n relationship.
    For example:
    Tanacetum vulgare occurs in Q 27282 and in Q 27304
    Echium vulgare occurs only in Q 27282

    With the settings I have set in place I can click on Q 27282 and it will link to the two species that occur there. But right now I don’t know how to do a backwards search (e.g. highlight all places that include Tanacetum vulgare).

    Does anyone here have any idea how to solve this problem? Or does anyone know an easier way to create distribution maps? In the test dataset are only a few entries ri

  7. https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/in-pursuit-of-mappiness-part-1/21864
    But what if you want to visualize something that can’t be done in any of these built-in tools? For example, what if you want to see observations against a map of ecoregions? None of these tools offer a way to choose your own custom basemap.

    Luckily, there are several ways to get iNaturalist data into other tools that will allow you produce a lot of different map visualizations. In this tutorial, we’ll cover one of these methods: getting map tiles from iNaturalist’s API to create our own custom maps.
    (A future tutorial will cover how to take observations with lat/long data from, say, a CSV export and map them.)

  8. Wat dinosaurussen ons leren over het leven op aarde

    We gaan 245 tot 66 miljoen jaar terug in de tijd. De aarde is het rijk van de dinosaurussen. Dankzij fossiele botten en skeletten weten we vrij goed hoe zij eruitzagen. Niet groen of bruin, zoals we ze kennen uit Jurassic Park, maar met bijzondere patronen en kleurrijke veren. Sommige zo klein als een kip, andere zo groot als een Boeing 737. Met nieuwe technieken kunnen paleontologen steeds beter vaststellen hoe dinosaurussen leefden en bewogen. Hoogleraar vertebratenpaleontologie dr. Anne Schulp (UU) laat zien hoe pootafdrukken en T. rex-tanden ons cruciale informatie geven over het leven en de evolutie van deze intrigerende wezens.

  9. https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/self-made-distribution-maps-in-qgis/33891/2
  10. https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/self-made-distribution-maps-in-qgis/33891/2
  11. https://observation.org/download/Biodiv%20Next%20-%20Dutch_Belgian%20species%20ID%20.pptx
Publicado el 24 de julio de 2022 por ahospers ahospers


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Vida Silvestre es una entidad asociada a la Organización Mundial de Conservación