
Many people make trips to far flung places. I am one of these people. I like going to these places to find the things. Sometimes it’s things that I remember from childhood. Things I found there when I was little. I go back to see if I can find the things again. Strange things. Things that don’t exist where I live but only exist in far flung places.

But does all this attention and travel help the things? The things have no choice. They’re just sitting there. Being things. I am choosing to visit the things, they aren’t choosing to visit me. But why am I choosing to visit the things?

I perceive that the things where I live are different from the things I visit. The things where I live exist in an unorganized state. Many things from far flung places have been added in with the things where I live. There have been so many things from far flung places added in with my things that some people here search for the original things. The original things that existed here before all the things added in. Sometimes, when they find one of these original things, they take a picture for all to see. They show people the picture and say… “Look at this thing! I have found a thing! We must protect the area around this thing.”. Passers by pause for a moment to consider the thing. And then someone exclaims “I remember that thing! There used to be many of those things. I have traveled to a far flung place that still has many of those things. This thing you have found is common in this far flung place. If you really love this thing, you should travel there as I have done. You will see many of those things. Perhaps you could even move there and live among the things.”

Such is the problem of the individual thing. As long as it is common somewhere, people will travel to it to reassure themselves that it still exists in abundance. Although they may want to preserve more space for the thing where they live, it’s too easy for others to reassure them that the thing is doing fine somewhere else. When they pick up and move to be with the thing, they reduce the ecologically pure areas where the thing is abundant.

Publicado el 03 de enero de 2023 por stockslager stockslager


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