Welcome to the 2022 metro Edmonton BioDiverCity Challenge!

For the third year in a row, Edmonton is taking part in the BioDiverCity bioblitz, June 9-12. This year, we are joined by almost two dozen other municipalities in western Canada and northwestern USA, who are staging parallel events.
You don't have to "join" this project to have your observations tabulated in the bioblitz; it automatically includes all public iNaturalist observations within the boundaries and time frame. But feel free to join if you'd like occasional updates and a summary of the results (and to find out about future bioblitzes in metro Edmonton).

Guidelines for the bioblitz are as follows:
Observation Dates: observations must be made between 12:01AM June 9, and midnight June 12, 2022.
Boundaries: Includes the municipal boundaries of Edmonton, St. Albert, Fort Saskatchewan, Sherwood Park and surroundings, Ardrossan, Beaumont, Nisku, Leduc, Devon, Enoch, Spruce Grove, and Stony Plain.
Observations: All observations made to iNaturalist within the boundary and time frame are automatically tabulated in the results for each region, not including captive or cultivated organisms. Casual observations (obs. of captive or cultivated organisms, and/or those without supporting photos or sound files) are allowed, but if they account for more than 5% of our observations, then for the purposes of the regional bioblitz competition (see below), our results will be recalculated to exclude those casual observations.
Reporting dates: you must upload your observations to iNaturalist by midnight June 19. Note - if your submission date is after June 12, make sure the observation date is correct and is between June 9-12, to be tabulated in the bioblitz.
Preliminary results: compiled after midnight June 19.
Final results: tabulated as of midnight July 31. We're allowing another 6 weeks here for people to make identifications; much longer than for the recent City Nature Challenge.

Guidelines for some friendly competition:
A total of (at least) 10 western Canadian municipalities, and 12 northwestern USA municipalities are participating in the 2022 Biodiversity Challenge. To help drum up some 'buzz', and get some friendly competition going, we're having a competition, to see which region can get the most participants, observations, and species. Recognizing that some municipalities have much larger human populations than others, the results will all be calculated per capita - by simply dividing by the human population of the region. The competition categories are:

  1. Most observers (per capita)
  2. most observations (per capita)
  3. most species (per capita)
    There are no monetary awards or trophies, just annual bragging rights at this time.
    We encourage people to set personal challenges and goals as well. Some suggestions that people may want to strive for are:

  4. see if you can post 50 (or 100, or...??) species each day, or over the 4 days
  5. how many species can you find in your yard?
  6. how many kingdoms or phylums (technically 'phyla') of life can you observe?

Contact me, the project manager if you have any questions
Greg Pohl (iNat user gpohl)
volunteer bioblitz coordinator

Publicado el 29 de mayo de 2022 por gpohl gpohl


The definition of casual observation is somewhat vague.
The way I understand it:
Exotic species kept in cultivated areas are definitely out.
But native plants transplanted from seed, obtained from a vendor or "self-seeded" from the wild
can be recorded; however they should be given the designation "captive/cultivated".
"Exotic species observed in the wild" are also in.
This being said I noticed that for the City Nature Challenge 2022 (CNC) my casual observtions ("native plants in my yard") were not counted in my Observations. As a matter of fact no "Identifier" bothered to look at these observations and, so, they could not receive "Research" status.

Perhaps there will always be a greay area how this will be handled.
Hubert Taube

Publicado por rfdgrs hace alrededor de 2 años

My take on this, Hubert, is that if it is planted by a human, it's considered cultivated, but if it's an escapee that seeded itself, it's a wild organism, whether or not it's an "introduced species". in my opinion, if a human decided that it would be placed there, it's cultivated. I'll have to take a look at your CNC observations from last month, and see what was going on there.
Greg Pohl

Publicado por gpohl hace alrededor de 2 años

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