05/12/2012 Seward Park

Seward Park in Seattle had a lot of large trees. There were Douglas Firs, Madrone Trees, Western Red Cedars, and many others. I started with some madrone trees standing on a bridge which put me closer to the top of the tree. It was interesting to get this angle. Walking down from the bridge it was obvious many of these large trees had been there for a very long time. I couldn’t identify all the trees and I wish there was a guide or person who could identify everything, but I identified as many trees and plants as I could. Some friends I had with me learned about madrone trees and firs and pines, as well as flowers. Some pointed out daisy’s I had not previously identified because I was just walking over them, but after looking it up I found they were oxeye daisy’s. There was a reddish moss growing along cement at certain locations which I still am note positive of the species. But it was interesting. There were also many large flowering plants that were clearly horticultural, but I stuck to identifying what was natural. There were some waterfowl on the lake, mostly ducks, and I heard some robins and chickadees in the park as well. The sheer size of the trees is what impressed me, surrounded by a maintained park lawn. It is nice to know these trees are being preserved.

Publicado el 31 de mayo de 2012 por skylarwilkins skylarwilkins


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