Common Jay with eclosion defects?

Found a common Jay lying on the mud with crumpled wings last night. One wing is completely folded back on itself. My daughter got it home and it's now been placed on a wishbone flower plant, where it is just hanging on and not moving much. Earlier we had put it on the flowers of a miniature exora bush for the night but it fell off and was crawling on the mud in the morning.

Have placed a small sponge dipped in sugar water close to it, not sure if it will explore.

Publicado el 24 de octubre de 2021 por surabhi_srivastava_gaur surabhi_srivastava_gaur


Fotos / Sonidos


Octubre 24, 2021 a las 09:53 MAÑANA UTC


found lying in the mud, with crumpled wings, and 1side folded entirely on itself


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