Hier vindt je links naar de artikelen die wij geschreven hebben voor Nature Today.
Both C. & Klaassen RHG (2019) How are our long-distance hikers who winter in Africa fare? How do Dutch long-distance migrants thrive wintering in Africa? Limosa 92 (3): 138 - 153. ( Summary , ENG Summary )
Godijn N. & Wiersma P. (2019). Monitoring and research experiment of high-quality farmland Zegenpolder, Buijtenland van Rhoon 2018. Montagu's Harrier - Knowledge Center Field Birds, Scheemda.
Schaub T., Klaassen RHG, Bouten W., Schlaich AE & Koks BJ (2019). Collision risk of Montagu's Harriers Circus pygargus with wind turbines derived from high-resolution GPS tracking. IBIS - International Journal of Ornithology. https://doi.org/10.1111/ibi.12788 (PDF available on request / available on request tonio.schaub@grauwekiekendief.nl).
Schlaich AE & Klaassen RHG (2019). Mapping the life of Montagu's Harrier in the Sahel through a combination of high-tech GPS logger research and old-fashioned fieldwork Ecology of Montagu's Harriers Circus pygargus wintering in the Sahel revealed by a combination of high-tech GPS tracking and old-fashioned fieldwork. Limosa 92 (3): 175 - 183. ( Summary , ENG Summary )
Schlaich AE (2019). Migrants in double jeopardy. Ecology of Montagu's Harriers on breeding and wintering grounds. PhD. diss. University of Groningen, The Netherlands. ( PDF )
Wieringa A., Klaassen RHG, Schlaich AE & Koks BJ (2019). Increased food provisioning by female Montagu's Harriers in years with food shortage weakens sex-specific roles in parental care. Ardea 107: 149 - 158. https://doi.org/10.5253/arde.v107i2.a5 (PDF available on request / available on request raymond.klaassen@grauwekiekendief.nl).
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