Notes from: a Friends of the Helmeted Honeyeater hosted citizen science event.
Our mission? With no experience or knowledge needed, 7 of use grabbed our smart device or camera and used iNaturalist to record what grabbed our attention at a 19.65 hectare property purchased through funds raised by the Judith Eardley Save Wildlife Association (JESWA) and transferred to the Crown. It is named in honour and memory of the late Jeanne Wilcox, who worked tirelessly for conservation in this area.
For 3 people, iNat was all new. For all of us, it was a joy to explore, in the shade of mature Eucs. The only rule? It is, or was, living - plants, animals, fungi, mosses etc. Why? We love being out in the natural world, but more than that, we're getting the assistance of a world full of scientists and naturalists to help us identify and visually record what's calling YNCR home. Once onboard with the challenge, everyone's observations are automatically added to our iNaturalist Project: 'Yellingbo and surrounds'. Magic!
Alison's thoughts? "It was quite a different experience to focus on the ground rather than the tree canopy. As always, I was astounded by fellow observers' extensive knowledge; an inspiring and creative activity."
Eliza's thoughts? "I loved today, it was so good to be looking at the finer details to see what we could find!"
A highlight? Lots of butterflies, and with thanks to Bruce for spotting it, a colony of the tiny, tiny Elbow Orchid, significant within the Yarra Ranges Council area, only being known from very few local sites where it is uncommon. We've found 2 colonies in YNCR so far 🙂 A whisp of breeze though and photographing them proved a challenge. Oh, and some dumped rubbish was removed... groan. Thanks for putting in the recycling bins what you can Rachel.
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