Who eats whom?

Bradley Allf is a PhD student at North Carolina State University in the USA. He kindly agreed to share with us a project he did for a programming class that you might be interested in.

For this project, he created a food web of all the observations of animal predation or herbivory recorded in the project Interactions (s Afr).
You can see the food web, and a general outline of his process, in the link below.

Bradley says:
"This project was really neat and allowed me to get a sense for what kinds of observations on animal feeding people were making in Southern Africa and recording for your project. This project actually inspired me to start my own iNaturalist project to record animal feeding observations all over the world to (someday) create a sort of hub of feeding ecology and global food web. You can find that project here (https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/who-eats-who). "

If you are interested, please check out what Bradley found: https://rpubs.com/brad7280/whoeatswhosafrica

A nice example, how, just by recording interactions, one can contribute to great science!

Publicado el 03 de diciembre de 2020 por tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


Thanks for sharing!

Publicado por bradleyallf hace más de 3 años

Interesting project but it is a pity it can't be wedded with the Interactions project and observations that already have these fields completed. To now have to go back through all past observations for matches is a duplication and a lot of work/time.

Publicado por i_c_riddell hace más de 3 años

As a southern Africa, just fill out the fields for the project https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/interactions-s-afr , as you normally do. It is up to Bradley to write a little script to transfer all the observations he wants to his project.

We are still looking at developing an interaction module that will link and allow one to interrogate and summarize data.
We were hoping for a module within iNaturalist to allow one to manage interactions, but I am not certain if that will happen.

Publicado por tonyrebelo hace más de 3 años

Wow -- this is super interesting! Thanks for posting this.

Publicado por sambiology hace más de 3 años

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