46.State of matter Life Sea Weeds

Below are links to observations in need of identifying that are listed as State of matter Life. These observations are listed as such because taxon conflicts have moved them to the root of the tree. If you have some time and an interest in particular branches of the tree of life and wish to help move observations to a more identifiable level, please do.

The links below have at least one suggested ID of the listed taxon. The identification may or may not result in elevating the chosen taxon as the chosen taxon may be the suggested ID that is anchoring the observation at the root of the tree.

Included are the numbers of observations involving that taxon as of May 23, 2019

Fungi and Lichens (2,598)
https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?lrank=stateofmatter&ident_taxon_id=47170 27

Slime Moulds (405)
https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?lrank=stateofmatter&ident_taxon_id=47684 8

Cyanobacteria (235)
https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?lrank=stateofmatter&ident_taxon_id=67334 8

Green Algae (559)
https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?lrank=stateofmatter&ident_taxon_id=50863 3

Brown Algae (692)
https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?lrank=stateofmatter&ident_taxon_id=48220 4

Sac Fungi (955)
https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?lrank=stateofmatter&ident_taxon_id=48250 4

Animal (3,726)
https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?lrank=stateofmatter&ident_taxon_id=1 75

Plant (5,351)
https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?lrank=stateofmatter&ident_taxon_id=47126 65

To limit the place, add &place_id=#### to the end of the string, for example: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?lrank=stateofmatter&ident_taxon_id=1&place_id=7085

New user
Plus if you would like to look for observations in the desired taxon that may be submitted by new users of 1wk or less add &user_after=1w to the end of the string, for example:

To check the numbers:
(https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?lrank=stateofmatter&ident_taxon_id=insert-taxon-ID-here 2)- this link does not work as the taxon_id=needs to be filled and is just for illustrative purposes

I’ll try to edit content including links and numbers as things change over time.


hey are from observations including multiple species, across plants & animals usually. Unfortunately the only way to fix this is to have the user re-upload them as individual observations.
If you see these, you can 1) request the user split the observation up, 2) ID as life, then 3) mark “Based on the evidence, can the Community ID still be confirmed or improved? No, it’s as good as it can be”. See also this affiliated feature request: https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/easy-way-to-flag-multiple-species-observations/278

It would be nice if there was a coarse ID for seaweeds but I’m not aware of one.

Seaweeds are tough because they are polyphyletic:

Brown Algaes (such as Leathesia) are in the Class Phaeophyceae within the Kingdom Chromista
Blue-Green Algae (such as Nostoc) is Phylum Cyanobacteria within the Kingdom Bacteria
Red Algae (such as Halosaccion) is Phylum Rhodophyta within the Kingdom Plantae
Green Algae (such as Dictyosphaeria) is Phylum Chlorophyta within the Kingdom Plantae
These algaes can all appear seaweedy depending on your acumen.

Identification conflicts between Red and Green Algaes will move the ID to Kingdom Plantae
Identification conflicts between Red or Green Algaes and Blue-Green Algaes will move the ID to State of matter Life
Identification conflicts between Red or Green Algaes and Brown Algaes will move the ID to State of matter Life
Identification conflicts between Blue-Green Algae and Brown Algaes will move the ID to State of matter Life
Observations that remain within the Kingdoms usually are filtered for and may be reviewed by novices and experts within that taxon.

Observations that move to State of matter Life may not be as likely to be reviewed by experts within that taxon. (if you are unaware of the topic of State of matter Life, you can see some of the issues here https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/state-of-matter-life-limbo/2870 4 )

Conflicting Phylums seem to become harder to move to Research Grade.

I think it is great to identify seaweeds. My one recommendation is that if you do, try to monitor those identifications so that you can modify a conflicting identification that you have made if a well supported alternate identification has been made.

1.Brown Algae

Publicado el 25 de diciembre de 2019 por ahospers ahospers


It would be nice if there was a coarse ID for seaweeds but I’m not aware of one.

Seaweeds are tough because they are polyphyletic:

Brown Algaes (such as Leathesia) are in the Class Phaeophyceae within the Kingdom Chromista
Blue-Green Algae (such as Nostoc) is Phylum Cyanobacteria within the Kingdom Bacteria
Red Algae (such as Halosaccion) is Phylum Rhodophyta within the Kingdom Plantae
Green Algae (such as Dictyosphaeria) is Phylum Chlorophyta within the Kingdom Plantae
These algaes can all appear seaweedy depending on your acumen.

Identification conflicts between Red and Green Algaes will move the ID to Kingdom Plantae
Identification conflicts between Red or Green Algaes and Blue-Green Algaes will move the ID to State of matter Life
Identification conflicts between Red or Green Algaes and Brown Algaes will move the ID to State of matter Life
Identification conflicts between Blue-Green Algae and Brown Algaes will move the ID to State of matter Life
Observations that remain within the Kingdoms usually are filtered for and may be reviewed by novices and experts within that taxon.

Observations that move to State of matter Life may not be as likely to be reviewed by experts within that taxon. (if you are unaware of the topic of State of matter Life, you can see some of the issues here https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/state-of-matter-life-limbo/2870 4 )

Conflicting Phylums seem to become harder to move to Research Grade.

I think it is great to identify seaweeds. My one recommendation is that if you do, try to monitor those identifications so that you can modify a conflicting identification that you have made if a well supported alternate identification has been made.

1.Brown Algae

Publicado por ahospers hace más de 4 años

FWIW, there's also discussion and some additional charts at
about a rare species, but the system might still recommend one based on nearby observation
"nearby" means near in space and time
The model became more efficient in sedges and grasse
the vision model does not itself incorporate non-image data other than taxon IDs
b/c because
https://www.inaturalist.org/blog/25510-vision-model-updates ("taxon and region comparisons" 20190614)
https://distill.pub/2020/circuits/zoom-in/ ("connections between neurons")

Publicado por ahospers hace más de 4 años

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