
Unido: 27.abr.2021 Última actividad: 04.jul.2023 iNaturalist

Hello there. I am just a novice, and a random kid who really likes to have fun. At the same time, I’m also a person who likes science. I have been a community member for a while now.

The picture on my profile is a Georgia Flat-Backed Millipede. I found it in the pavement, crawling around. It was probably my best find so far. I liked the orange color of it. It looked nice for an insect. The picture wasn’t blurry either.

Not much else to say about me.

រដហនុិិុផយហយុោងុោយងិ៧តថ៧ិថ៦រ៨ថ៧៦រដ៦៨រថ៦៨តថ៧៨ងត៧៩ងោុយងិោយបផបផិុិោយបិហុន្ិ្ិមថរកោៀិ្ផោិ៥ោផុ្ោិ្តោិបមៀោ៣ិ៥្បៀ៥ោត៣ិ្ង៥តោងមិ៣៥តប្ៀោ៥ត៣ប្ោៀ៥៣មបោិ៥ង្បៀ៣្បនផោ៥៣តប្ោផ៤៣តប្ោផិ៤៣ត្បោ៥៣តុបនៀោ៤៣តិ្បោៀិ៥េ្ងកវមោវផិុងបុោ្រេងោបនរេ្ងរោេ្បនផិ៤ហិ៣៤តុហង៣ត្ហ៩ុផង្ឥ៤៩៣ុង្ផ៩ត៤ុ៣បនផ៩៣៤ងនបិផ៣ត៤ុបន៣ផ៤ិងុបនិ៤ងផ៣បន៤៣ងិុបន៤៣ុិប្៤៣តិុនវិត៤៣ុនបោុនុវនោ៤ុបនោុបងបងនោវត៤ផោវុនត៤ោបុនតបិនិប្ិ្វតិ្បតវ្ិត្វតិវ្តិវ្តិវ្តិង្ិង្ងតកវិតកវោមងិក០លេ៣ដផល០៣ផដ៣ដ៣ដផឝឝឝ - Johnny Walter

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Vida Silvestre es una entidad asociada a la Organización Mundial de Conservación