Backyard American Bullfrog
April 7, 2019 nature journal entry...
© Photographer: William Wise | iNat Observation: 22507797 - American Bullfog; Athens-Clarke County, Georgia. April 7, 2019.
The weather is warming and the days are getting longer. I can finally start enjoying Sunday sit-downs on my back patio! It is time to clean the dead leaves and algae from my backyard koi pond, not to mention the incredible amounts of pine pollen that clog the filters each spring. As I start the process, I found a large visitor has returned. I have no idea where it over-winters, but it is already back and living the good life!
This native American Bullfrog is quite common here in Georgia and throughout North America. It should be no big surprise to find it in my koi pond since one source states, "Bullfrogs can also be found in manmade habitats such as pools, koi ponds, canals, ditches and culverts." Each summer it spends its days sitting on the decorative stones only to make a quick and dramatic splash into the water each time we come out onto the back patio.
© Photographer: William Wise | iNat Observation: 22507797 - American Bullfog; Athens-Clarke County, Georgia. April 7, 2019.
Of course, I am never one to pass up a good nature photography opportunity. So as I am able to net this large amphibian while cleaning the pond, I took it to the side for a quick photo session in a more natural setting.