Archivos de diario de octubre 2023

26 de octubre de 2023

Ardozyga Key

I have been working on a key for Ardozyga (not yet fully complete or tested) Species at the bottom still to be looked at:

Happy for people to look and add comments:

E. Meyrick Original key page 333 – 338 in Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales Sydney, v29, Descriptions of Australian Micro-Lepidoptera, XVIII.

This Key then adds species identified by Meyrick, Turner, Lower and others at later dates.

Terms have been modernised to try to make the key clearer. The biggest issue with this key is the identification using the hind-wing unless open and seen, often unable to be determined. (I might at a later date look for a more visible characteristic). Please be aware that this is my interpretation based on others descriptions of the species, always once you reach a species look for the taxonomic description to see if its other characteristics match.
1A: Hindwings, light brown ...................................................................................................................................................2
1B: Hindwings, not light brown ............................................................................................................................................4
2A: Second joint of palpi, dark greyish-brown (NSW) ...............................................................Ardozyga caminopis
2B: Second joint of palpi, white ............................................................................................................................................3
3A: Anterior white blotch of forewings, reaching base and dorsum (NSW) .............................................A. telopis
3B: Anterior white blotch of forewings, not reaching base or dorsum (WA) ..........................................A. exarista
4A: Hindwings, whitish or yellowish, tinged with brown or grey .................................................................................5
4B: Hindwings, grey, or if whitish, not tinged with brown or grey posteriorly .........................................................10
5A: Forewings, with costal streak ......................................................................................................................................100
5B: Forewings, without such streak ......................................................................................................................................6
6A: Forewings, with sharply defined broad whitish patch on base of costa (QLD, NSW, VIC) ........A. sodalisella
6B: Forewings, without such patch ........................................................................................................................................7
7A Head, greyish-brown .........................................................................................................................................................91
7B: Head, not brownish-grey ....................................................................................................................................................8
8A: Second joint of palpi, all white or whitish; all reddish grey-brown ........................................................................96
8B: Second joint of palpi, not all white or whitish or reddish grey-brown .....................................................................9
9A: Anterior stigmata, confluent into a dark blotch (QLD) ..........................................................................A. gorgonias
9B: Anterior stigmata, obvious ...............................................................................................................................................112
10A: Termen of forewings, oblique (inclined/twisted) ........................................................................................................11
10B: Termen of forewings, not oblique ..................................................................................................................................90
11A: Termen of forewings, oblique (inclined/twisted) or rather oblique (rather inclined/twisted) .......................12
11B: Termen of forewings, very oblique (very inclined/twisted) .....................................................................................33
12A: Head, greyish-brown or grey ............................................................................................................................................13
12B: Head, white, whitish-brown, yellowish-orange, yellowish light brown, yellow ...................................................23
13A: Forewings, with clear white patches (NSW, VIC) ....................................................................................A. acroleuca
13B: Forewings, without clear white patches .........................................................................................................................14
14A: Anterior stigmata, confluent into an irregular blotch; or absent ..............................................................................15
14B: Anterior stigmata, clearly noticeable, large or minute ...............................................................................................17
15A: Forewings, with dark oval discal blotch beyond middle (QLD, NSW) ........................................A. megalommata
15B: Forewings, without such blotch ........................................................................................................................................16
16A: Second joint of palpi, with scales more prominent beneath in middle (TAS, VIC, NSW) ....................A. eumela
16B: Second joint of palpi, normal ...........................................................................................................................................105
17A: Second discal stigma, white or white with a greyish-brown center .......................................................................94
17B: Second discal stigma, not white .......................................................................................................................................18
18A: Forewings, with conspicuous pale yellowish-orange basal dot in middle (AUS) ..................................A. nyctias
18B: Forewings, without such dot ..............................................................................................................................................19
19A: Plical stigma, beneath first discal (QLD) ................................................................................................A. banausodes
19B: Plical stigma, is directly beyond first discal .................................................................................................................20
20A: Terminal joint of palpi, much shorter than second (NSW, VIC) ..........................................................A. aspetodes
20B: Terminal joint of palpi, as long as second ......................................................................................................................21
21A: Forewings, with dark greyish-brown costal spots at base and 1/6 (QLD) ......................................A. crotalodes
21B: Forewings, without such spots .......................................................................................................................................22
22A: Hindwings with termen, wavy (QLD) .......................................................................................................A. crypsibatis
22B: Hindwings with termen, not wavy .................................................................................................................................93
23A: Terminal joint of palpi, with two defined dark rings ..................................................................................................24
23B: Terminal joint of palpi, without two defined dark rings .............................................................................................26
24A: Forewings, with brownish-grey dark-edged basal patch (AUS) ..............................................................A. tridecta
24B: Forewings, without dark basal patch .............................................................................................................................25
25A: Forewings, with pale basal patch (QLD) .................................................................................................A. thyrsoptera
25B: Forewings, without pale basal patch ............................................................................................................................102
26A: Thorax, wholly dark brownish-grey ................................................................................................................................27
26B: Thorax, not wholly dark brownish-grey ........................................................................................................................28
27A: Stigmata, distinct (QLD) ................................................................................................................................A. arganthes
27B: Stigmata, obsolete (missing) (NSW, VIC) .................................................................................................A. tetraploa
28A: Head, white or white-grey brown ..................................................................................................................................88
28B: Head, yellowish-orange, orange or yellowish light brown, yellow ........................................................................29
29A: Ground-colour of forewings, white ................................................................................................................................30
29B: Ground-colour of forewings, yellow or yellowish-orange, with brownish tinges ...............................................31
30A: Forewings with dark basal band, straight, entire (QLD, NSW) ..................................................A. xanthocephala
30B: Forewings with dark basal band, curved, interrupted (WA) ..................................................................A. trichalina
31A: Forewings, with all stigmata and additional discal dots ...........................................................................................32
31B: Forewings, with no obvious stigmata or discal stigmata only ...............................................................................101
32A: Termen of forewings and hindwings, wavy (QLD, NSW) .......................................................................A. ananeura
312B: Termen of forewings and hindwings, not wavy...........................................................................................................118
33A: Termen of hindwings, markedly wavy ...........................................................................................................................34
33B: Termen of hindwings, not or very slightly wavy .........................................................................................................46
34A: Forewings with veins 2 and 3, approximated only .....................................................................................................35
34B: Forewings with veins 2 and 3, united so as to form a single part or stalked .......................................................37
35A: Stigmata, faint or obsolete (NSW) .....................................................................................................................A. prisca
35B: Stigmata, well-defined ......................................................................................................................................................36
36A: Apex of hindwings, acute, considerably produced (WA) ..............................................................A. trachyphanes
36B: Apex of hindwings, round-pointed, not much produced (NSW, VIC, WA) .........................................A. pacifica
37A: Forewings, with dark brown median band (NSW, VIC, SA) .................................................................A. desmatra
37B: Forewings, without such a median band .....................................................................................................................38
38A: Forewings, with well-defined broad white costal streak (QLD, NSW) .................................................A. invalida
38B: Forewings, without such streak .....................................................................................................................................39
39A: Costa of forewings, gradually spread through with white ......................................................................................40
39B: Costa of forewings, not gradually spread through with white ...............................................................................41
40A: Thorax, white (WA) .......................................................................................................................................A. diplonesa
40B: Thorax, light greyish-brown (Tas) ..................................................................................................................A. cladara
41A: Anterior half of costa, spotted with blackish ............................................................................................................42
41B: Anterior half of costa, not spotted with blackish ....................................................................................................43
42A: Forewings, with discal and plical series of black spots (NSW) ................................................................A. hylias
42B: Forewings, without such series (NSW) ...............................................................................................A. plinthactis
43A: Forewings, with additional dot beneath second discal stigma .............................................................................44
43B: Forewings, without such dot .........................................................................................................................................45
44A: Apex of forewings, blunt (VIC, SA) ...........................................................................................................A. molyntis
44B: Apex of forewings pointed (NSW) ..................................................................................................................A. flexilis
45A: Forewing, stigmata obvious ...........................................................................................................................................111
45B: Forewing, stigmata very obscure ................................................................................................................................116
46A: Hindwings, whitish go to 47
46B: Hindwings, not whitish go to 48
47A: Head and thorax, white greyish-brown (SA) A. aclera
47B: Head and thorax, whitish sprinkled with dark brownish-grey (NSW) A. hypoleuca
48A Forewings, with ochreous-yellow tornal blotch nearly reaching costa (NSW, VIC) A. deltodes
48B: Forewings, without such blotch go to 49
49A: Head, wholly white or white yellowish-orange or yellowish-white without any tinge go to 50
49B: Head, not wholly white or white yellowish-orange go to 61
50A: Forewings, with broad white costal streak to 5/6 (WA) A. trichosema
50B: Forewings, without such streak go to 51
51A: Palpi, wholly yellowish-orange or white go to 119
51B: Palpi, not wholly yellowish-orange or white go to 52
52A: Forewings, with narrow white costal streak from base to beyond middle (QLD, NSW) A. sarisias
52B: Forewings, without such streak go to 53
53A: Thorax, with blackish subdorsal stripes go to 54
53B: Thorax, without such stripes go to 55
54A: Abdomen, blackish (VIC) A. orthanotos
54B: Abdomen, white yellowish-orange (AUS) A. aversella
55A: Thorax, dark greyish-brown (QLD) A. cephalota
55B: Thorax, not dark greyish-brown go to 56
56A: Forewings, mixed or tinged with rusty red go to 57
56B: Forewings, not tinged with rusty red go to 60
57A: Thorax, sprinkled with greyish-brown or dark greyish-brown go to 58
57B: Thorax, not so sprinkled, or on shoulders only go to 59
58A: Forewings, white, sprinkled with rusty red and greyish-brown (WA, NSW) A. hormodes
58B: Forewings, greyish-brown, sprinkled with whitish and dark greyish-brown (NSW, VIC) A. chenias
59A: Hindwings in ♂, with darker basal patch (NSW, VIC, TAS) A. sisyraea
59B: Hindwings in ♂, without such patch (NSW, VIC, TAS) A. decaspila
60A: Thorax, grey-brown go to 87
60B: Thorax, not grey-brown go to 113
61A: Head, whitish yellowish-orange, sides of crown dark grey-brown (QLD, NSW, VIC, SA, TAS) A. mesochra
61B: Head, not so coloured go to 62
62A: Head, whitish with pale grey-brown central line (QLD, NSW, VIC, TAS) A. obeliscota
62B: Head, not so coloured go to 63
63A: Head, mostly reddish yellow-orange or orange yellowish-orange go to 64
63B: Head, grey or greyish-brown or whitish tinged with greyish-brown go to 67
64A: Second joint of palpi, mixed with blackish or dark greyish-brown go to 65
64B: Second joint of palpi, not so mixed go to 66
65A: Cilia of hindwings, grey go to 98
65B: Cilia of hindwings, whitish yellow-orange (NSW) A. ceramica
66A: Forewings, with broad reddish yellow-orange costal streak to ¾ (QLD, NSW, VIC) A. compsochroa
66B: Forewings, without such streak (WA) A. cosmotis
67A: Terminal joint of palpi, shorter than second go to 68
67B: Terminal joint of palpi, as long as second go to 75
68A: Thorax, with blackish subdorsal stripes (AUS) A. aversella
68B: Thorax, without such stripes go to 69
69A: Thorax, mixed with brassy greyish-brown go to 99
69B: Thorax, not mixed with brassy greyish-brown go to 70
70A: Veins, indistinctly streaked with black (WA) A. actinota
70B: Veins, not streaked with black go to 71
71A: Stigmata, partially edged with white (NSW) A. lithina
71B: Stigmata, not edged with white or absent go to 72
72A: Forewings, sprinkled with white go to 73
72B: Forewings, not sprinkled with white go to 74
73A: Forewings, with several dark spots on fold (VIC) A. englypta
73B: Forewings, without several spots on fold (WA) A. sciodes
74A: Forewings, brownish yellow-orange towards base (NSW) A. xestolitha
74B: Forewings, not yellowish-orange towards base go to 95
75A: Forewings, with pale rusty red costal streak to 2/5 (QLD, NSW) A. odorifera
75B: Forewings, without such streak go to 76
76A: Forewings, with yellow or yellowish-orange spot above tornus (NSW, VIC) A. diplanetis
76B: Forewings, without such spot go to 77
77A: Costa posteriorly, dotted with white go to 78
77B: Costa posteriorly, not dotted with white go to 80
78A: Stigmata, white go to 79
78B: Stigmata, dark greyish-brown (WA) A. psephias
79A: Cilia of forewings, with whitish yellow-orange subapical patch (VIC, SA) A. micropa
79B: Cilia of forewings, without such a patch (WA) A. argocentra
80A: Forewings, with pale subcostal stripe go to 81
80B: Forewings, without such a stripe go to 82
81A: Head, dark greyish-brown (AUS) A. stratifera
81B: Head, whitish yellow-orange, greyish-brown tinged (VIC) A. pelogramma
82A: Veins, streaked with blackish grey-brown (QLD, NSW) A. phloeodes
82B: Veins, not streaked go to 83
83A: Forewings, with several whitish patches go to 117
83B: Forewings, without such patches go to 84
84A: Head, whitish with a greyish-brown tinge go to 110
84B: Head, grey or greyish-brown, whitish-sprinkled go to 85
85A: Forewings, with five slanted series of cloudy dark spots (NSW, SA) A. thyridota
85B: Forewings, without such series go to 86
86A: Stigmata, accompanied by white dots (NSW, VIC) A. anthracina
86B: Stigmata, not accompanied by white dots go to 108
87A: Thorax, grey-brown white (WA) A. liota
87B: Thorax, grey-brown (QLD) A. eustephana
88A: Head, white 124
88B: Head, whitish-brown or white grey-brown 89
89A: Forewing bar, fuscous-brown, narrow from base along fold to 2/5 (QLD) A. stenochorda
89B: Forewing bar, not as above 114
90A: Forewing, a short blackish streak from apex (QLD) A. emmeles
90B: Forewing, no blackish streak from the apex 97
91A: Forewings, a dark greyish-brown dot on base of costa (QLD) A. polioxysta
91B: Forewings, without the dot at the base of the costa 92
92A: Forewings, a broad cloudy greyish-brown band from 3/4 of the costa to the tornus (QLD) A. temenitis
92B: Forewings, a suffused dark line from 3/4 costa to tornus (QLD) A. dysphanes
93A: Forewings, whitish to light greyish-brown, speckled . 106
93B: Forewings, grey (WA) A. dysclyta
94A: Second discal stigma, white, conspicuous 125
94B: Second discal stigma, white, small (NSW, VIC) A. tetralychna
95A: Forewings, not yellowish-orange towards base (WA) A. autopis
95B: Forewings, not yellowish-orange towards base (QLD) A. creperrima
96A: Palpi, not all white 103
96B: Palpi, all whitish 104
97A: Forewing, dark greyish-brown (SA) A. thanatodes
97B: Forewing, white with three blackish-brown bands (NSW, VIC) A. abruptella
98A: Forewing, angulated series of black dots beneath the posterior third of the costa (NSW, VIC, TAS) A. xuthias
98B: Forewing, no angulated series of black dots (QLD) A. tyroessa
99A: Forewing, whitish; reddish-yellowish orange spot in the middle (AUS) A. amblopis
99B: Forewing, pale yellow; no reddish-yellowish orange spot in the middle (QLD) A. xanthomochla
100A: Forewings, with pale yellowish or yellowish-orange white costal streak 109
100B: Forewings, with broad white costal streak from base to apex, (QLD) A. euryarga
101A: Forewings, with discal stigmata only (QLD, NSW, SA) A. scytina
101B: Forewings, with no obvious stigmata 121
102A: Hindwings termen, not wavy (AUS) . A. haemaspila
102B: Hindwings termen, scarcely wavy (QLD, NSW) A. bleptodes
103A: Palpi, white except base and a subapical ring (QLD, NSW, VIC) A. sodalisella
103B: Palpi, white except spotted with greyish-brown anteriorly or second joint coloured 107
104A: Antennae, white (QLD) A. glagera
104B: Antennae, grey or greyish-brown (WA) A. irobela
105A: Head, bronzy greyish-brown, sometimes slightly sprinkled with blackish (QLD, NSW, VIC) A. loemias
105B: Head, greyish-brown; sides of crown and face yellowish-orange white (QLD) A. metableta
106A: Legs, dark greyish-brown ringed with white (NSW, VIC) . A. nephelota
106B: Legs, whitish; or greyish-brown but if so, posterior pair are white yellowish-orange (QLD) . A. acrocrossa
107A: Palpi, white except spotted with greyish-brown anteriorly (QLD) A. hedana
107B: Palpi, whitish, second joint reddish grey-brown except apex (QLD, NSW, VIC) A. bistrigata
108A: Forewing, discal dot at 1/3, another at 2/3, between them a short longitudinal streak (WA) A. ithygramma
108B: Forewing, without such a streak 123
109A: Forewings, with broad pale yellowish costal streak to 4/5 (NSW, SA) A. tabulate
109B: Forewings, with broad yellowish-orange white costal streak to 2/5 (QLD) A. euopa
110A: Head, whitish yellow-orange, greyish-brown tinged (TAS) A. mechanistis
110B: Head, white, spotted dark greyish-brown. (QLD) A. penthicodes
111A: Thorax, greyish-white, stigmata distinct (WA) A. microdora
111B: Thorax, greyish-white, stigmata distinct (TAS) A. crypsicneca
112A: Antennae, white, ringed with greyish-brown (QLD) A. chiradia
112B: Antennae, not white 121
113A: Thorax, pale bronzy yellowish-orange (WA) A. iochlaena
113B: Thorax, yellowish-white (VIC) A. pallacopa
114A: Hindwing, slightly wavy (QLD) A. mesopsamma
114B: Hindwing, not as above (QLD, VIC) A. pelogenes
115A: Forewings, with 2 clear white patches (NSW, VIC) A. acroleuca
115B: Forewings, with 3 clear white patches per wing (QLD, WA) A. idiospila
116A: Forewing, grey-brown, irrorated with dark greyish-brown, and finely sprinkled with white (NSW, WA) A. frugalis
116B: Forewing, not grey-brown 120
117A: Forewing termen, an irregular streak of blackish suffusion (NSW) A. aeolopis
117B: Forewing termen, without such a streak (QLD) A. involute
118A: Head, reddish yellow-orange (NSW, VIC, TAS) A. phasianis
118B: Head, pale yellowish-orange (QLD) A. trochias
119A: Forewing, with a broad irregular-edged whitish-ochreous transverse band about ¾ (NT, QLD) . A. galactopa
119B: Forewing, without such a band (AUS) A. catarrhacta
120A: Forewing, whitish-brown; four oblique dark-fuscous streaks from costa (NSW, VIC, TAS) A. chionoprora
120B: Forewing, white yellowish-orange; no streaks (QLD) A. melicrata
121A: Stigmata, large, oval, greyish-brown, within a transverse whitish suffusion (QLD) A. arenaria
121B: Stigmata, large, longitudinally oval, greyish-brown, ringed with white (QLD) A. annularia
122A: Forewings, a black band, somewhat edged with white, from 1/3 of costa (QLD, NSW, VIC) A. macroplaca
122B: Forewings, a purple-fuscous outwards-curved hind-marginal band (NSW, SA) A. porphyroloma
123A: Abdomen, grey with the apex white yellowish-orange (WA) A. elpistis
123B: Abdomen, all pale grey (NSW, VIC, TAS) A. epiclysta
124A: Head, white above, black below (NSW, VIC) A. voluta
124B: Head, white above and below (QLD, NSW, VIC, SA, TAS) A. hemichlaena
125A: Second discal stigma, completely white (QLD, NSW) A. subnexella
125B: Second discal stigma, white with a Greyish-brown centre, (QLD, NSW) A. ochrobathra

Species to add, , , , , , , poenicea, semiographa, chalazodes, celidophora, thermochroa, elassopis, furcifera, erebenna, cryptosperma, thermoplaca, tegminata, enchotypa, hilara, tetrasticta, catopta, neurosticha, proscripta, obscura, megalosticta, vacatella, gypsocrana, trichroma, nothrodes, taracta, hypocneca, limata, loxodesma, secta, euprepta, platyleuca, pyrrhica, sporodeta, caliginosa,

Publicado el 26 de octubre de 2023 por wellsii wellsii | 1 observación | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario


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