31 de marzo de 2023

Birds of INaturalist NOT Recorded in Duval County

Below is a list of birds, compiled from eBird, of the species of bird reported in Jacksonville, or Duval County, but never reported on INaturalist. Many of these birds are extremely rare, and some are exotic/escaped, but a few of these species are regular migrants that have not received documentation in Duval County.

Fulvous Whistling-Duck
Ross's Goose
Graylag x Swan Goose (hybrid)
Mute Swan
Tundra Swan
Coscoroba Swan
American Black Duck
Mallard x American Black Duck (hybrid)
Northern Pintail
Greater Scaup
Common Goldeneye
Common Merganser
Eared Grebe
Western Grebe
African Collard-Dove
Inca Dove
Lesser Nighthawk
Black-chinned Hummingbird
Calliope Hummingbird
Rufous Hummingbird
Broad-billed Hummingbird
King Rail
American Golden-Plover
Long-billed Curlew
Bar-tailed Godwit
Curlew Sandpiper
Baird's Sandpiper
Buff-breasted Sandpiper
Red-necked Phalarope
Red Phalarope
Pomarine Jaeger
Parasitic Jaeger
Long-tailed Jaeger
Atlantic Puffin
Sabine's Gull
Black-headed Gull
Little Gull
Iceland Gull
Herring x Glaucous Gull (hybrid)
Brown Noddy
Bridled Tern
Roseate Tern
Red-throated Loon
Pacific Loon
Wilson's Storm-Petrel
Band-rumped Storm Petrel
Cory's Shearwater
Sooty Shearwater
Manx Shearwater
Audubon's Shearwater
Masked Booby
White-tailed Kite
Golden Eagle
Northern Goshawk
Swainson's Hawk
Barn Owl
Burrowing Owl
Short-eared Owl
Northern Saw-whet Owl
Red-cockaded Woodpecker
Hairy Woodpecker
Crested Caracara
Rose-ringed Parakeet
Rosy-faced Lovebird
Nanday Parakeet
Olive-sided Flycatcher
Acadian Flycatcher
Alder Flycatcher
Willow Flycatcher
Hammond's Flycatcher
Vermillion Flycatcher
Tropical Kingbird
Cassin's Kingbird
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
Philadelphia Vireo
Warbling Vireo
Black-whiskered Vireo
Florida Scrub-Jay
Horned Lark
Cave Swallow
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Red-breasted Nuthatch
White-breasted Nuthatch
Brown Creeper
Winter Wren
Common Myna
Varied Thrush
Bicknell's Thrush
Northern Red Bishop
Orange-cheeked Waxbill
Evening Grosbeak
Pine Siskin
Chestnut-collared Longspur
Grasshopper Sparrow
Fox Sparrow
Harris's Sparrow
LeConte's Sparrow
Lincoln's Sparrow
Green-tailed Towhee
Yellow-breasted Chat
Yellow-headed Blackbird
Bullock's Oriole
Shiny Cowbird
Bronzed Cowbird
Brewer's Blackbird
Blue-winged Warbler
Golden-winged x Blue-winged Warbler (hybrid)
Swainson's Warbler
Connecticut Warbler
Mourning Warbler
Kirtland's Warbler
Cerulean Warbler
Black-throated Gray Warbler
Black-headed Grosbeak
Saffron Finch

Let's work to make as many of these species receive documentation in Duval County and add to INaturalist's list of birds for the county!

Publicado el 31 de marzo de 2023 por team_bingebirder team_bingebirder | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario


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