Archivos de diario de noviembre 2021

18 de noviembre de 2021

Antigonish Christmas Bird Count

Hello to anyone who's made an observation in Antigonish County, and posted it to,

You are getting this note because at some point in the last two years you've posted an observation from Antigonish County. Many of you likely live here, and it is largely those people that I expect will take advantage of this note.

I am the coordinator of the Antigonish Christmas Bird Count, which will happen this year on December 19th. Our web page is at:

At that page, you'll find links including one to Birds Canada, who coordinates the counts in Canada, and a map showing the survey area.

I am primarily looking for people to record what'll be at their feeders on that must live within the survey area to participate. The survey area is mapped on the website.

However, we may be able to accommodate more field observers. Each party of field observers is responsible for surveying one area of the circle, pretty much for most or all of the daylight hours. Not every party has room in their vehicles, so if you have your own vehicle, that would up the chances of joining a group. Even people who have never gone birdwatching can participate...even as spotters, but also by logging sightings or driving.

This is not an event in which young kids flourish...there are extended periods of low activity or sightings of distant or non-charismatic birds. I won't be bring my seven year old, for example.

For those who are brand new to birding...bring binoculars. Dress for extended periods of standing still in the cold. I wear insulated coveralls, for example. Bring a lunch, snacks and a drink.

If you wish to participate, contact me at

If you wish to tally birds at your feeder, let me know your address. Have a camera handy for documenting unusual birds, or those you can't identify.

If you wish to come out into the field, please give me some indication of your ability to identify birds, and if you have access to a vehicle on that day.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Publicado el 18 de noviembre de 2021 por randylauff randylauff | 4 comentarios | Deja un comentario


Vida Silvestre es una entidad asociada a la Organización Mundial de Conservación