01 de julio de 2019

Re: Lat. Long Coordinates Used in the Open Ocean

Seeing as that there are two very different systems of GPS Lat. Long. systems in use and most of our observations are in the open ocean and not on land, near any obvious land-marks, we have chosen to to simply use Mission Beach as the nearest location to the wrecks we dive in Wreck Alley, which is approximately 1.8-4 miles West of that beach here in San Diego. The Yukon is exactly 1.8 miles West of Mission Beach, but there are other wrecks within 2-4 miles of it also.

Each wreck does have it's own GPS coordinates, but I am lousy with math and even worse at converting one Lat/Long system to another, so apologies for any inaccuracies this may create, but it's simply too labor intensiveness to go through the entire process for each wreck.

For those wanting more detailed information on the GPS locations of each wreck, California Wreck Divers
is an excellent resource: http://www.cawreckdivers.org

Thanks for understanding,

Mike Bear

Publicado el 01 de julio de 2019 por michael_bear michael_bear | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

17 de noviembre de 2017

The Citizen Science Revolution and Artificial Intelligence

by Michael Bear for SciTech Connect
Nov. 17, 2017

Note: this article features iNaturalist and how it's using AI to help ID species.

Two revolutions have been occurring at the same time in recent years: the citizen science revolution and the artificial intelligence revolution. And revolution is not too strong a term to use for either.

Although one could say that citizen science has been around since the days of Darwin, since he had no formal degrees in his field and pursued his studies of evolution out of personal interest, it has been more or less in the last 5 years or so that citizen science has really come into its own as an academic discipline.


Publicado el 17 de noviembre de 2017 por michael_bear michael_bear | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

11 de septiembre de 2017

Sept. 10, 2017: Ocean Sanctuaries to Adopt iNaturalist for Yukon Marine Life Survey

We successfully used iNat for the 2017 Coastal Snapshot BioBlitz and it will continue to be the tool of choice for Ocean Sanctuaries' Yukon Marine Life Survey.

See here for more information: http://oceansanctuaries.org/wordpress/citizen-science-projects/2015-yukon-marine-life-survey/

Michael Bear
Citizen Science Project Director
Ocean Sanctuaries
San Diego, CA

Publicado el 11 de septiembre de 2017 por michael_bear michael_bear | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario


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