Archivos de diario de marzo 2018

06 de marzo de 2018

Proof of ability to Identify to genus/tribe/subfamily level

The basic question is. how many can really ID to Subfamily, Tribe, genus level without Pic's on the Nett.
Now I do not profess to know all taxa, but I have a general understanding of the Cerambycidae .
So lets rather, for the sake of this journal post rather keep the discussion to this family.

I note that there are 1619 Identifiers (world wide) on Cerambycidae (current count). Which implies that there are at-least the same amount of people that know the difference between the sub-families, tribes, and genera. (Genera at-least on a regional scale).
I actually wonder how many of the 1500 odd people can give the definition of the sub-families. And further how many can give the differences between the tribes (of the sub-families) or just for interest sake.... give the characteristics of the genera within one Tribe (in there own regional).
Ag, just rambling ...........

Publicado el 06 de marzo de 2018 por fubr fubr | 5 comentarios | Deja un comentario


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