Archivos de diario de junio 2023

09 de junio de 2023

Paris Walk on 6/9/23

I went for a walk in the Square Boucicaut Park in Paris. Since I am currently in the city center of Paris, it was quite difficult to find fungi. The weather was very hot and dry, which is likely why I couldn't find much fungi. There were lots of pigeons (each with slightly different patterns), green bushes, and flowers. Most of the fungi I spotted tended to look the same and appeared on the bark of trees near the ground. After searching for a while, I found some ferns in the back of the park, in an area that was cordoned off with red tape. I'm assuming that because the area was completely shaded (cooler) and left untouched for a while, ferns were able to grow and there was fungi (lichens) on multiple trees. The majority of the flowers in the park were manicured, but I managed to find a few more natural ones that were growing towards the sides of the park. On one of the leafy plants, I noticed something whiteish growing on it, but I can't figure out what it is. Since it looks like powdery mildew, I'm wondering if it is fungi. Unfortunately, the app didn't pick up what multiple of the images I took were so I can't say for sure. Around Paris in general, I found that it was difficult to find fungi because so many of the public areas are manicured and the forests/more wilderness areas were far out of the city, but it was overall an interesting experience and I noticed a lot more plants, animals, and fungi once I spent hours in the park wandering through the bushes (around the outskirts of the park where no one really walks) and observing.

Publicado el 09 de junio de 2023 por emilydhadly emilydhadly | 7 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

16 de junio de 2023

Crete Walk on June 13, 2023

I went for a walk on a nearby mountainside in Crete. I walked into an area that was an abandoned church with lots of surrounding plants and mushrooms, some even growing on the crumbled walls. The weather was pretty hot when I began my walk, but by the end the wind had picked up and it had become chilly. There were lots of animals that I spotted along the way like dogs, cats, horses, sheep, and a variety of birds (peacocks, chickens, etc.). One interesting plant I found was oregano on one wall. In the nearby area, I found a variety of plants like ferns, hedgeparsley, bullwort, and fluffy thimbleweed. Eventually, once I had walked closer to the nearby village, I found grape plants and olive trees. There were a lot of weeds and bugs, as well as pinecones and dried pine needles, on the ground. I tried to take a picture of one peacock I saw but it ran away too quickly. However, because I trekked reasonably far into the forest area after the peacock, I saw a weird plant with a brown withered covering and green bud-like spheres. The app suggested that it is part of the Arum Tribe. I find this plant fascinating because I have never seen something like it before and would like to learn even more about it.

Publicado el 16 de junio de 2023 por emilydhadly emilydhadly | 27 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario


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