Archivos de diario de febrero 2016

03 de febrero de 2016

1 Observation a day for 1 month. My January 2016 challenge

After following @sambiology and @jmaughn and seeing the amazing variety of life they recorded in 2015 I felt that I had learned something very important in using iNaturalist as a tool to be more conscious about exploring the living world around me. For January 2016 I gave myself the goal of making at least one observation a day to focus the conscious effort of looking for life. It was a great experience, especially on the days that I was only able to make one or two observations. It is easy to be delighted by the wonders of the natural world when you go for a hike outside or explore a new area, but those days where I barely escaped airports, conference rooms or office spaces I found it amazing that with a little more conscious effort the number of really amazing organisms that live everywhere, even in "un-exciting" spaces.

I ended up with 771 observations for the month, a little over 200 species, 117 new life list additions and 1 big appreciation for iNaturalist community and platform.

I urge everyone to try the 1 observation a day for 1 month challenge. You'll be surprised at what it helps you see in the world around you.

Publicado el 03 de febrero de 2016 por damontighe damontighe | 6 comentarios | Deja un comentario
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