16 de octubre de 2020

Lab 3 Journal

The Nasturtium is a vascular, flowering, seed plant; they are part of the genus Tropaeolum, which includes 98 other species. All of the Tropaeolum plants are commonly recognizable and known as nasturtiums, but this specific variety would be more specifically called Tropaeolum majus, or garden nasturtium. As per the guidlines of this project, all of my observations are flowering plants. These flowers generally tend to be very colorful, as the main pollinators in my area are bees and hummingbirds, which are attracted to colorful flowers. The water lily has adapted to it's aqueous environment by forgoing complex root structures and vascular tissues (it doesn't need to be stabilized by strong roots because of it's buoyancy on the water's surface, nor does it need complex systems for storing or transporting water).

Publicado el 16 de octubre de 2020 por bartschcecily bartschcecily | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario


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