Archivos de diario de julio 2023

15 de julio de 2023

Alpha adventure: Sanjay Van, New Delhi, India

(I've been a bit slack keeping a journal of all the different places I've explored here in India)
Today I joined a nature walk organised by Nature Connect/WWF-India around Sanjay Van, a great parkland in the middle of New Delhi. It's the monsoon season, so there was plenty to see!
-Sirkeer malkoha (lifer bird for me)
-swarming butterflies
-so many mushrooms and fungi due to the recent wet weather

Publicado el 15 de julio de 2023 por alphaj16 alphaj16 | 36 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

30 de julio de 2023

Record: night survey observations, Sanjay Van Park, New Delhi, India, July 2023

Notable observations from the night surveys I participated in at Sanjay Van Park, New Delhi, India, July 2023. The survey included a number of moth screens, which yielded 26 different species of moth (so far), including several pearl moths (the coolest one was Notarcha aurolinealis).

The park is full of fireflies (Abscondita anceyi, I think).

Other highlights include:
Reptiles: Common leopard gecko, a spotted house gecko, and a species of thin-toed gecko (maybe Delhi rock gecko AKA Aravalli Hills thin-toed gecko)
Amphibians: breeding Indus Valley bullfrogs, burrowing frogs, and Indus Valley toad
Insects: six-spotted beetles, blister beetle, Indian grass mantis, a juvie Hierodula mantis, and a lanternfly!
Spiders: white-banded bird-dropping spider, two-tailed spider and lots of orbweavers.

We also saw spotted owlet, Indian scops-owl, a civet, and a blind snake (but no photos, so no posted observations of these).

Publicado el 30 de julio de 2023 por alphaj16 alphaj16 | 20 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
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