Black Vulture (Coragyps atratus)
19 July 2024
Avondale Park
Denton, Denton County, Texas
It's peak butterfly season around here, and the swallowtails were taking advantage of the many nectiferous offerings at the Lakeside Commons Educational Gardens, though they seemed particularly fond of the Mexican sunflower. I saw two yellow Tigers and a Spicebush. Both species are relatively common in the area.
The mountain mint patch at the Lakeside Commons Educational Gardens is still blooming well and was swarming with honeybees this afternoon. This Ailanthus Webworm moth added some color to the crowd. These are common in the area.
adult on left, recently fledged juvenile on right.
Never thought a skunk could be so cute. This baby skunk was adorable. Seemed too young to be alone but didn't see mother anywhere around.
Crossing the street. Little bigger than a softball.
80F degrees, partly cloudy, was raining earlier.
After a very slow night I ended up seeing this young one crossing the road right as I was able to give up.
One of the most common frogs seen for the night.