Growing under oaks trees in sandy soil, dna/microscopy sample, possibly smithii
Turns brown when damaged, no distinct odor, growing at the base of a pignut tree, sandy soil, near creek
Microscopy in 5% KOH
Amscope T690/Canon EEOS RP
Piximetre used for measurements
(9.4) 10.2 - 12.3 (13.9) × (3.2) 3.25 - 3.7 (3.9) µm
Q = (2.6) 2.9 - 3.6 (3.9) ; N = 30
Me = 11.3 × 3.5 µm ; Qe = 3.2
13.93 3.60
10.62 3.40
13.19 3.66
10.66 3.62
11.72 3.57
10.16 3.22
11.61 3.33
11.16 3.53
9.57 3.65
11.62 3.69
11.01 3.59
12.34 3.45
12.91 3.30
11.68 3.51
11.61 3.55
11.06 3.25
10.45 3.27
10.71 3.54
10.80 3.55
11.68 3.55
10.07 3.72
10.52 3.55
10.50 3.49
11.05 3.57
11.56 3.18
11.94 3.18
11.79 3.77
9.44 3.49
11.50 3.85
11.36 3.36