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Agosto 15, 2019 a las 10:13 MAÑANA PDT


Crustacea is a guess, really. They look like tiny fairy shrimp, Anostraca? These were found in the small upper lake, next to a larger lake (both nameless) north of Mt. Hoffman in Yosemite. In other words, it's a pretty remote area. I didn't see anyone else there in the 24 hours I was around, yet nearby May Lake, on the other side of the gap to the east, was quite crowded. I'm including a picture of the area from near that gap, to give a sense of the area. Here is a video that shows their movement:

Calanoida - Photo (c) Proyecto Agua, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC-SA)
Identificación de brabois: Orden Calanoida, un miembro de Copépodos (Subclase Copepoda)
Añadido el 30 junio 2021
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Fotos / Sonidos




Agosto 15, 2019 a las 10:13 MAÑANA PDT


Crustacea is a guess, really. They look like tiny fairy shrimp, Anostraca? These were found in the small upper lake, next to a larger lake (both nameless) north of Mt. Hoffman in Yosemite. In other words, it's a pretty remote area. I didn't see anyone else there in the 24 hours I was around, yet nearby May Lake, on the other side of the gap to the east, was quite crowded. I'm including a picture of the area from near that gap, to give a sense of the area. Here is a video that shows their movement:

Copépodos - Photo (c) Mardon Erbland, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC-SA), subido por Mardon Erbland
Identificación de brabois: Copépodos (Subclase Copepoda)
Añadido el 30 junio 2021
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Fotos / Sonidos




Agosto 15, 2019 a las 10:13 MAÑANA PDT


Crustacea is a guess, really. They look like tiny fairy shrimp, Anostraca? These were found in the small upper lake, next to a larger lake (both nameless) north of Mt. Hoffman in Yosemite. In other words, it's a pretty remote area. I didn't see anyone else there in the 24 hours I was around, yet nearby May Lake, on the other side of the gap to the east, was quite crowded. I'm including a picture of the area from near that gap, to give a sense of the area. Here is a video that shows their movement:

Calanoida - Photo (c) Proyecto Agua, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC-SA)
Identificación de brabois: Orden Calanoida, un miembro de Copépodos (Subclase Copepoda)
Añadido el 30 junio 2021
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