Fotos / Sonidos




Agosto 19, 2023 a las 12:14 PM CDT


Male on Rudbeckia.

Seems to show most features of Triepeolus lunatus, including: clypeal midline (images 3 and 7), paramedian lines that are isolated from other pale areas on the scutum, and apical hair tufts on sterna 4 and 5 (image 8). However, I hesitate to call it that because the black patch on tergum 1 seems somewhat smaller and less triangular than usual.

Fotos / Sonidos




Septiembre 2, 2023 a las 12:20 PM CDT


A female, observed opening a burrow, taking a prey item inside, then leaving and closing the burrow. Except for the first image, which seemed to be the best overall, the sequence is shown in order. The wing pattern can be seen to best advantage in the 5th image.

The prey item was again being held to the ventral side using the middle legs, while the hind and forelegs were used for digging and support. The prey item can only be barely glimpsed, best in image 4.

Vida Silvestre es una entidad asociada a la Organización Mundial de Conservación