Genus Phyrdenus

Data on Genus Phyrdenus (tribe Cryptorhynchini, subtribe Cryptorhynchina)

Wikipedia states that there are 23 named species of Phyrdenus worldwide.

iNaturalist has 15 Observations for only 2 of those species worldwide, with 12 Observations of a single species occurring in North America (namely the US).

P. divergens

A dataset of 2 North American species is found in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) database - all 13 Observations & Museum-preserved specimens are from the US:

P. divergens
P. muriceus

The BugGuide platform (which only covers the US and Canada), has 28 Observations of a single species - all in the US:

P. divergens

Publicado el 24 de junio de 2021 por kidneymoth kidneymoth


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