
Are they more frequently seen in certain months of the year?


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Often With ...

Which other Blue Fleet Members are they often recorded with?


I have usually seen these and blue bottles together and alot of obs show both on the same day in the same location.

Publicado por tangatawhenua hace más de 6 años


The by the wind sailors are the second most common of the Blue Fleet that wash up on our shores, having been recorded from Cape Reinga to the bottom of the South Island. None have been recorded found around Stewart Island yet.

How often are they recorded monthly?


Looking at the distribution map on the East Coast of New Zealand they have only been recorded as found in
Henderson Bay - Otaipango, Real Far North
Wainuiototo Bay, Corromandal
Akito, Heretaunga
Around Christchurch and down by Invercargill.

If you are ever on the East Coast of either island keep a sharp lookout for these so we can get more obs for the vast areas where there is no data available :)

Publicado por tangatawhenua hace más de 6 años

Mass Washups

Records of mass washups


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It seems that at the moment there are mass washups of these

7 Oct 2017, Foxton -
14 October 2017 Rahotu Beach -

One week to travel from Foxton to Rahotu or a different event?

13 October 2017, reports of lots in Greymouth but the article does not say what day this occured.

Publicado por tangatawhenua hace más de 6 años

12 October 2017, Owhiro Bay, Wellington Mass Washup

Publicado por tangatawhenua hace más de 6 años

12 October 2017, Kakamatua Beach, Manukau Harbour Bethells/Te Henga
Not a NW obs but info found here

Publicado por tangatawhenua hace más de 6 años

14 October 2017, Makara Beach, Wellington

Publicado por tangatawhenua hace más de 6 años

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