
Our apricot trees are in the process of being sculpted, by skilled hands with several decades of experience. New growth is trimmed to open up the centers of the trees so sunlight can reach the leaves in the centers. Twigs that will bear next years fruit are left. Here is a link to a video about pruning our apricots:

Native plants in our pollinator plot are still vibrant. I have been asking each plant if it wants water, when I visit weekly. Except for one week in August when the orchard was watered, the answers have been "yes". We were delighted when first rains arrived this month. Yet it was not enough to trickle down to the roots.

As I care for each plant, my heart is full of gratitude for my father. He supported this project because he saw it bring joy to me as I was caring for him. After 99 years, he closed his last chapter at the end of July. Although he passed peacefully from this material world, his spirit lives on in the hearts of those whose lives he touched.

Publicado el 23 de noviembre de 2020 por jmpackard jmpackard


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Vida Silvestre es una entidad asociada a la Organización Mundial de Conservación