Clockwood's Index Project

The Index: current | archived | all

Please note that status is updated manually, and "current" status may be outdated.

What This Project Is

This project is an attempt to create a listing of individual organisms rather than a listing of observations. For purpose of this project, a persistent community of the same species of organisms may be considered "an organism."

Reasons this data is useful:

  • Linking individuals rather than species to map coordinates reveals distribution patterns.
  • Tracking individuals reveals the effects of environment and other factors on individuals.
  • Thinking of non-humans as individuals encourages people to see them as important and worthy of respect in their own right.

Potential use examples:

  • Tracking stray cats for TNR programs.
  • Studying how environmental factors affect the growth of different trees of the same species.
Publicado el 28 de septiembre de 2023 por clockwood clockwood


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