Upload and ID for Teton 2023 Summer NRMC BioBlitz
Arrowleaf Balsamroot Observation by Michael Gallo/ @wildgallo, posted with permission, All Rights Reserved
Thanks to everyone who has joined and participated in the Northern Rocky Mountain Biodiversity Challenge so far. I hope you enjoyed your time in nature and felt a sense of community with your fellow iNatters. The observation period is now over, but you can still upload observations recorded from June 8 - 11. Uploads completed by Sunday, June 18 will be included when @quovadis does his final tabulation.
June 12 - June 18, is also the identification period - a time when we try to figure out what we saw. If you are comfortable with identifying some of our local species, you can add IDs to this project via the following links:
- Teton County, Wyoming: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?project_id=160060
- Yukon to Yellowstone (the entire challenge): https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?project_id=157503
If you aren’t comfortable with specific identifications, but want to help ID, you can start with “Unknowns”. I have put together some information on IDing Unknowns here. This is a great way to start to learn the ID process on iNat. To identify Unknowns for the RNMBC, use this link: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?iconic_taxa=unknown&project_id=157503. There are currently less than 300, which means the identifiers have been hard at work.
To see project stats and what has been uploaded so far, check out these links:
- Project Page shows Observation and Species counts: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/2023-summer-nrmbc-teton-county-wy
- Stats page shows the breakdown by iconic taxa and highlights some of the observations with comments and favorites: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/2023-summer-nrmbc-teton-county-wy?tab=stats
Just some of the many wonderful observations:
Striped Coralroot Observation by @favoritenephew, photo license Public Domain
Columbia Spotted Frog Observation by @esm398 , photo license CC BY-NC
Western Tiger Beetle Observation by @dunkhsu, photo license CC BY-NC
Killdeer Observation by @frankgolden, photo license CC BY-NC
Eastern Fairy Slipper Observation by @sequoiaak, photo license CC BY-NC
Sheepmoth Observation by @conniffd, photo license CC BY-NC