Fun Trick with Search URLS

Do you have a favorite taxon? And you want to be sure to find every observation which might be that taxon?

Or maybe you can think of a taxon people are constantly miss-identifying? (Ugh.)

Introducing your new favorite tricks:

How to use them? I'll give an example.

  1. Go to identify and type in a taxon. Add any of your preferred settings and hit go. For this example I'll be using Asparagus setaceus, searching for both "needs ID" and "casual"

  2. Look at the URL of the page. Find the bit that says "&taxon_id=[number]" and carefully type in additional characters so that it instead reads "&ident_taxon_id=[number]" Now hit enter.
    Assuming you didn't make any typos, you should now be seeing more observations than before.* The new ones are observations where a disagreement has occurred, but at least one person thinks the observation belongs in the taxon you're searching.
    *As long as observations with disagreements exist; they usually do!

  3. If you want to look at only observations where there is disagreement, alter the URL again to add an additional component, "&without_taxon_id=[yourtaxonnumberhere]" I find it easiest to add it to the end so that I am sure not to mess up anything in the middle. You should have just produced a URL containing both &ident_taxon_id=[number] and &without_taxon_id=[samenumber]

Neat! If you really want to dive into search URL tips and tricks, check out the forum guide:

This method also works great when tackling taxa from the list of Computer Vision Clean-Up:

UPDATE: You might also prefer to look at Explore view rather than Identify. That way if you tab over to the “species” tab it will show you stuff that often gets confused for the species in question. Using my example of Asparagus setaceus, that turns out to look like this: I find that very handy for alerting myself to possible "lookalike" taxa.

Of course there's also a built-in way to do that on the About Page of any species:

Clicking the grey numbers in the image corners will show you observations with identifications of both species. So for example, observations identified as both Asparagus setaceus and Asparagus aethiopicus are here:,75604&place_id=any&verifiable=any
Actually by looking at this I just learned that &ident_taxon_id_exclusive= the URL modification to use if you want to search for multiple taxa IDs which appear together.

ps @tiwane it's working!

Publicado el 16 de enero de 2021 por arboretum_amy arboretum_amy


Oooh I had no idea about ident_! This is a really useful tip

Publicado por natashataylor hace más de 3 años

Ohhhh wonderful! Thank you!

Publicado por lisa_bennett hace más de 3 años

This is really all the skeletons of bad IDs are tumbling out of the closet!

Publicado por michaelpirrello hace más de 3 años

Ah-ha! That explains why I think I have, say, cleaned up a species in my state, but then find more of it when I go look for Needs ID observations in general. So much to learn .... Which reminds me, thanks for organizing this! I am learning a ton (and also constantly being humbled by how much I don't know, but that's OK, too).

Publicado por lynnharper hace más de 3 años

There still could be more potential observations lurking if they haven't been ID'd at all, if they're ID'd to a level higher than you searched for, or if they're incorrectly ID'd but no one has disagreed yet. No way really to find all of them, but this is pretty close.

Publicado por arboretum_amy hace más de 3 años

how on Earth did I miss this post, rip me and great job Amy!
working on this week's rankings right now ;)

Publicado por astra_the_dragon hace más de 3 años

I just learned you can do multiple IDs at once with &ident_taxon_id_exclusive=
So for example &ident_taxon_id_exclusive=75603,75604 shows you things that are identified as both Asparagus setaceus and Aspargus aethiopicus. My mind is blown lol.

Publicado por arboretum_amy hace más de 3 años

this is the best thing ever O_O

Publicado por nomolosx hace más de 3 años


Publicado por ahospers hace más de 3 años

This is brilliant advice, thank you!

Publicado por lera hace más de 3 años

Whatttt I just now read this post and this is amazing! Super helpful, thanks so much for enlightening us!

Publicado por esummerbell hace más de 3 años

If anyone wants to see a good example of where you can use this feature and be super helpful at the same time: there’s several hundred IDs listed as Ardisia crenata (aka Coralberry, an invasive species in the US with cool wavy leaf margins that’s only found naturalized on the gulf coast currently) when they should be ID’d as Nandina domestica (aka Heavenly Bamboo, an aggravatingly common landscaping plant that’s invasive just about anywhere). Even easier, Nandina domestica is the only species in its genus, so makes getting to species level super easy. If anyone is familiar with Nandina and wants to help clear up Ardisia/Nandina wrong ID’s, here’s the “indent” link for these two!,127010&place_id=1&verifiable=any

Publicado por esummerbell hace más de 3 años

Ohhhh I’m familiar with Nandina! That will be a satisfying way to fill my breaks later today :)

Publicado por lisa_bennett hace más de 3 años

Nice! I've cleaned up most of them; there's just a few left easily found at

(I changed it to do the whole world rather than USA, but edit that as you please)

Publicado por arboretum_amy hace más de 3 años

I figured out a new way to use without_taxon_id. It's what I've been looking for since I started identifying! Sometimes I look through Needs ID birds in Jefferson County or Washington State, but it's always full of gulls. I just CANNOT identify gulls. So what I wanted is a way to filter by birds except gulls - and that's exactly what this is! I tried it and it worked. Thank you for bringing this to my attention!

Publicado por fluffyinca hace más de 3 años

For anyone interested in even more tricks and tips, there's a whole long wiki on the forum! (So long, in fact, that it got split into two halves...)
Part one here
Part two here

Publicado por astra_the_dragon hace más de 3 años

Just found it today and it's awesome! I knew there was a url for taxon id, but there're so many urls that it's exhausting to find something neededfor iding. Now it's very easy to find something you know is there!

Publicado por marina_gorbunova hace alrededor de 3 años

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