May, June, and July bioblitzes and gatherings!

I get the question, "How do I find out about these bioblitzes?" I don't really have a good answer except to try to accumulate them and toss them on a journal post... There are folks that keep track of state-wide bioblitzes, but I try to accumulate as many as I can around the Dallas/Fort Worth area. If you know of other events, or want to organize one yourself, let me know! I can totally add it to this list! Some details are to be worked out in the near future, and I'll continually try to update this journal post. Here are ones that I know of:

May 7: bioblitz 3-6 and then blacklighting 8 to 11 PM
Ladd Nature Preserve in Duncanville

May 17-19:
Little L Ranch in Glen Rose with the Texas Master Naturalists

May 25: Pollinator Palooza! 11 AM - 1 PM
Trinity River Audubon Center in Dallas

June 7-9:
Caddo Lake State Park and WMA

June 13: Blacklighting 8 to late
Trinity River Audubon Center in Dallas

June 14-15: BioBlitz
Purtis Creek State Park in Eustace

June 15: Blacklighting 8 to late
Oak Point Preserve in Plano

June 21: blacklighting (potluck with Red River Master Naturalists) from 6 to late
Birch Creek Preserve in Lamar County (next to Pat Mayse WMA)

227 Private Road 45220, Powderly, TX

June 21: Blacklighting and bat searching 8:30 to 10 PM
Ray Roberts State Park, Johnson Branch

July 6: Blacklighting 8 to late
O.S. Gray Natural Area in Arlington

July 20: Blacklighting 8 to late
Spring Creek Forest Preserve in Garland

July 24: Blacklighting 8 to late
Sheri Capehart Nature Preserve in Arlington

July 26: Blacklighting 8 to late
John Bunker Sands in Seagoville

July 27: Blacklighting 8 to late
Acton Nature Preserve in Acton

Publicado el 10 de mayo de 2024 por sambiology sambiology


Are the Texas Master Naturalist events only for Master Naturalists?

Publicado por annikaml hace 23 días

Hey Annika! So, the little L Ranch event is just Master Naturalists, I believe -- but all the others are open!!! :)
It's open to all!

Publicado por sambiology hace 23 días

@sambiology Will Texas Parks have intern(s) again this summer who will help with some of the surveys / blacklighting events?

Publicado por scarletskylight hace 23 días

Thanks Sam!

Publicado por annikaml hace 23 días

@scarletskylight -- yeah!!! We will indeed! @carsyn_bennett will be rocking it this summer! :)

Publicado por sambiology hace 23 días

That's wonderful! Congrats, @carsyn_bennett on the internship - you'll have a blast this summer!

Publicado por scarletskylight hace 23 días

We're looking forward to Blacklighting at SCNP!

Publicado por postoak hace 23 días

I'll put them all on the calendar!

Publicado por k8thegr8 hace 23 días

you had to do spring creek and Ray Robers when I'm out of town! That place is neat.

I'll almost certainly make Purtis Creek and Oak Point. July I'll be in Las Cruces at some point so I don't know. Caddo...I don't know. I'll need to talk to my wife.

Publicado por williampaulwhite17 hace 22 días

Thank you for keeping us updated,Sam!! I hope to make a few of these.

Publicado por txstack hace 22 días

We have a bioblitz May 25th at TRAC! We're especially trying to get observations of pollinators in the act, but all observations are encouraged!

I can't wait for our black lighting on June 13th!

Publicado por nathanmayflower hace 22 días

@brandonbest, here's a more inclusive local list!

Publicado por lulubelle hace 22 días

This is great! I went to the first one and I think I can go to some more of these. Thanks!

Publicado por gayle22864 hace 22 días

Thanks for sharing Sam. I am planning on attending Purtis Creek, Oak Point, Ray Roberts, Spring Creek and maybe Caddo.

Publicado por bobbie79 hace 21 días

Edit: the Little L Ranch event is open to all! :) I thought it was just a master naturalist event, but it's not!

Publicado por sambiology hace 19 días

@sambiology Is there a guidebook or advice for how to set up a blacklighting event? I'm interested in seeing if we might be able to get something at Harry S. Moss Park. I think the "in-the-city" location might help draw more folks in and the space is large enough that we can get away from street lights, if we have permission to be in the park after sunset. I don't have equipment or gear though. Just interested and wouldn't mind helping with scheduling / contacting people if it's a possibility.

Publicado por scarletskylight hace 12 días

@scarletskylight , yeah -- to set up an event, basically it's just getting some permission from the land manager (in that case, it would be parks and rec folks), and then putting the date on the calendar to get folks to come!!!

As for the equipment -- it can be fairly inexpensive.
The lights can be as cheap as 10 bucks, a 10 buck white sheet, and then a portable battery pack thing (like you'd use to charge a cell phone) that could be like 20 bucks. :)
If you get something on the calendar, some of the other folks with equipment could come as well!

Publicado por sambiology hace 11 días

@annikaml @ashleyrsteel @jnemoebright See above - wondered if you all might be interested in something like this, if we can coordinate a yes from Harry S. Moss Park. Partly asking because I think a few of you have blacklight setups (I've been ogling your cool obsevations!)... but also because this location may be a bit more centrally located for us. Would like to keep it small if we can get a yes from the city, due to potential parking concerns. (Initially I was thinking it would draw in more people, but after thinking more, I think that might draw in more city concern and be a likelier 'no.') If you think there's value in putting together a small group event, send me a DM!

Publicado por scarletskylight hace 10 días

@scarletskylight we have free reign of Oakland Cemetery (50 acres) in South Dallas (about three blocks south of Fair Park) any night of the week. I have two black light setups and others can bring their own if they wish, bring lawn chairs and a cooler, we could make it a "black lighting block party"!

Publicado por jnemoebright hace 10 días

@jnemoebright That sounds interesting!

Publicado por annikaml hace 10 días

@annikaml The observations coming out of this cemetery are really interesting in general! It's close to the city but has some unique and rare habitat populations. Probably some interesting moths too!

Publicado por scarletskylight hace 10 días

@annikaml @scarletskylight This cemetery is a pretty special place really, it's a true Blackland Prairie remnant with old growth timber. One of the post oaks was struck by lightning two weeks ago, we've estimated the tree to be 180 years old but need to count the rings. We also have a yellow crested night heron rookery within the cemetery. I go out there whenever I can to black light. The landscape is varied with Trinity River bottom wetland, prairie remnant, oak savannah, and open areas that are regularly mowed. I'll be out there Sunday night if anyone wishes to join, I have a particular beetle (Genus Clivina) I'm looking to collect. But certainly let's set up a night to black light out there, maybe even make it a monthly social thing.

Publicado por jnemoebright hace 10 días

@jnemoebright That sounds like an interesting place, so doing something monthly seems like a great idea, especially if it's okay for us to go there whenever. I may be joining you on Sunday, will bring my setups.

Publicado por annikaml hace 10 días

I've contacted Dallas Parks & Rec about a potential moth night at Harry S. Moss park - will post here if we can get one on the books! Sounds like Oakland Cemetery is also going to be a great venue too - not sure I can do this weekend but would be interested for another time if I can't make it on Sunday. Will try to go to your daytime Saturday tour though!

Publicado por scarletskylight hace 9 días

I would love to explore the cemetery! Mon - Thurs is better for me, but if I know a good while ahead, I can possibly trade work nights.

Publicado por lulubelle hace 9 días

I work nights M-Thu until July 1st (switching to days July 1st, it'll be rough).

im certainly game to try to the cemetery any weekend I'm in town, but I'm out this weekend and the Caddo Lake bioblitz weekend. I finally ordered a batter powered portable blacklight (should be here next week)

Publicado por williampaulwhite17 hace 8 días

@jnemoebright , will you be picking a future night to moth the cemetery, or was the night you just mentioned going there it?

Publicado por lulubelle hace 8 días

If you get a date (or a few), let me know, and I'll toss it above! :)

Publicado por sambiology hace 8 días

Anyone reading this who will be joining us on Sunday night please send me a pm and I'll send you some basic information (location, map, and gate instructions)

@lulubelle this Sunday night will be a trial run of sorts, I fully plan to establish a mothing at the cemetery night at least monthly if not twice monthly. Oakland is a big place with roadways throughout so it's feasible for multiple people to bring their black lights, set up in different areas, and we can get our steps in by walking from location to location. But rather than plan too much I'll just set dates and let it evolve naturally.

@sambiology I'll look at the calendar and get some dates on the list.

Publicado por jnemoebright hace 8 días

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